My phone saw my attempt to write "sudoku" and autocorrected it to "sodomy."
I will not share the context, because the sentence makes it worse, and my sense of humor is G- or PG-rated (maybe PG-13 when I get dark).
I have never been so afraid of my keyboard in my life.
@Alexis_WordsUnbound I’ve never trusted autocarrot.
@Alexis_WordsUnbound Last week I took a few days off from work. I realized on my way to the airport that I had forgotten to inform a few colleagues. I didn't want them to be surprised by my autoreplies, so I crafted an email with the common shorthand saying that I would be OOO (Out of Office) for the remainder of the week. Autocorrect said that I would be POO for the remainder of the week.
@dnnsconroy Oh dear. Did you catch it in time?
@Alexis_WordsUnbound thankfully, yes!