How does everybody feel about prologues?
Love them? Necessary evil for some stories? Or should we just relabel them as ‘Chapter 1’ and not prologue?
@Michaelvaliant I feel it depends on the story. Some need prologues, others don’t. As a #writer I have two novels in progress that don’t have them, and a third in my head that probably will need one. As a #reader, I like them if they further my understanding/immersion in the story.
@kitsyn agreed. I am trying to decide whether I need one in my current WIP. There are events that set my prot. on his life of wandering and I could use them as a prologue for readers to understand him better. But then, I keep coming back to: I could just use this for instory ‘memories’ and drop it in as backstory through the book. It’s a teeter-totter decision and I’m not sure where I will land