Hello #WritersOfMastodon - lets see the covers of projects you've written or have been a part of! Maybe along with some lessons learned from each publishing experience? Here are some selected works of what I've written. I'll go into each one individually in this thread.
It's a mix of: #scifi #steampunk #horror #QueerHorror #TimeTravel #DoctorWho #ComicBooks #GraphicNovels #bookstadon
@jonwesleyhuff these are the covers for my fist 2 #sciencefantasy #hopepunk novels of the #TempestBlades series. Book 3 cover should be done by the end of the year. Artist: Salvador Velazquez
@jonwesleyhuff these are a couple of covers I did for Inklings Press (where I also published short stories). Their anthologies are #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #alternatehistory and their mixes. The EiC is @LeoMcBride and a frequent collaborator with stories is @mariahaskins
@jonwesleyhuff these are a couple of covers from other instances where I participated with #sciencefiction and #weirdwestern short stories. I also designed the cover for Quantum Soul
@jonwesleyhuff and this is the cover of a non fiction book about #worldbuilding in #ScienceFiciton and #fantasy, edited and published by @LunaPressPublishing and where I participated with a chapter on worldbuilding and system thinking, alongside my friend and beta reader.