The #BCNDP #BCgovernment has said no to a proposal to create a #ProtectedArea for an area of #OldGrowth #cedars near #DuncanLake.
"At this time, #BCParks is not considering including this area in the provincial protected areas system," wrote Minister of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship #NathanCullen in a letter to Grant Trower of Howser, B.C., on Sept. 3.
Trower is the founder of the group #WildlifeHabitatsForTomorrow that has been advocating for the protection of a 531-hectare grove and wetland.
He wants #BritishColumbia to declare the #CedarGroves a protected area, which is a category of protection just short of a full-fledged provincial park.
“There are many #trees in this grove that are well over 1,000 years old, and one that is estimated to be 2,100 years old,” said Trower. “They are the largest trees in the whole southern interior #rainforest. It isn’t just old growth. It’s #ancient old growth.”
He told the Nelson Star that Cullen's letter will not deter him.
"The advocacy is ongoing to ensure this special place will remain for our kids and grandchildren, for this grove is unique and easy to experience," he said, adding that the next steps will include media attention, targeted field trips and obtaining #FirstNations #endorsement.