Mu dreams are deceiving - I dreamt that I looked at my watch and it was 7am. It was not really 7am...
This is one of the reasons why getting up in the morning with IH is a nightmare. Reality is malliable and full of dreams that lie.
Mu dreams are deceiving - I dreamt that I looked at my watch and it was 7am. It was not really 7am...
This is one of the reasons why getting up in the morning with IH is a nightmare. Reality is malliable and full of dreams that lie.
I rather see nightmares than the dreams where I can barely stay awake and keep falling asleep and "waking up". It is like torture to be sleepy during the day all the time, just to then dream I am passing out from it in my dreams.
It squeezes my head like hot cling film burning my brain when I finally wake up to reality. This shit isn't rest, not even remotely.
My morning went from - taking an hour to be able to stand up because my eyes kept closing and I was havibg micro-dreams, to barely mabaging to put breakfast and feed cats, to almost falling asleep on the sofa, to now going to have a nap because my brain feels so sleepy every blink is a potential for a full lenght dream.