@ai6yr I think they should first try #thoughtsandprayers and then more prayers and self flogging... maybe mixed with some random vitamin. #ElectionsHaveConsequences #ThankTheAntiVaxxers
@ai6yr I think they should first try #thoughtsandprayers and then more prayers and self flogging... maybe mixed with some random vitamin. #ElectionsHaveConsequences #ThankTheAntiVaxxers
We don’t need #ThoughtsAndPrayers.
We need #TheEqualizer.
Low Expectations
Today, I saw a toot wishing followers to have something go “better than expected” for them. Maybe better than expected is the best we can hope for these days in the USA:
A shopper offers nothing to the homeless person sleeping on the ground, but returns their shopping cart to the proper place.
The driver behind me shakes his fist, but doesn’t honk or pull a gun when he’s in a hurry and I did not run the red light.
A police officer treats a suspect with dignity and respect.
The president sometimes does not lie to me.
I offer you my thoughts and prayers.
#Kindness #LowExpectations #Life
#Humanity #Ethics #ThoughtsAndPrayers #USA #Texas #Anthropocene
@bunbloc May they smash & break their toes on their own furniture or fall down their own big staircases & breaking several bones - until they die a long & miserable death.
Le bon vieux présentateur télé à cheveux blanc dans une matinale pepouze sur une télé US quelconque…
et là c'est le drame (de trop) il lâche tout ce qu'il a sur le cœur, et punaise il met le paquet, y en a un peu plus je vous le mets quand même
No #ThoughtsAndPrayers there, eh? #schoolshootings #Sweden #USA
“Sweden plans tighter gun laws after Örebro school shooting”
HANNITY: I want to talk about the economy.
TRUMP: I don't care.
Well, that just about wraps it up on my coverage, folks. I'll check back in on you after the President passes away (he's never leaving office) and your nice little country is a smoking ruin.
Been watching #NFLPlayoffs & every #MomentOfSilence for #LAFires feels REALLY cynical. If you can't mention #ClimateChange because it's too controversial you might as well just bleat out #ThoughtsAndPrayers at another #MassShooting. It's mass cowardice & will only result in MORE & BIGGER FIRES.
I'll get pushback but the connection between stuff like this & #ThoughtsAndPrayers will become undeniable.
@Martranslations @Nienkez @edgeofeurope van Weel is toch van de vvd?
Die partij die boven alles “ eigen verantwoordelijkheid” predikt? Zodat ze zelf niks hoeven te doen en het bespaarde geld naar hun vrindjes kunnen omleiden?
Van die kant hoeven wij niks te verwachten, behalve het bij (extreem) rechts zo veel gebruikte #thoughtsandprayers.
This is ***such*** an easy problem to solve. They just need 12 adults who have never been fucked over by health insurance companies.
Or who have any family who have.
In the US.
Luigi Mangione Prosecutors Have a Jury Problem: 'So Much Sympathy' - Newsweek
If the #UnitedHealthcare #CEO shooter had instead gone into a SCHOOL and shot & killed a dozen students, #JDVance would have just told people, "It's the price we pay for freedom. We must learn to live with it."
But b/c the victim was a #Billionaire, the Far Right is outraged. #GOPHypocrisy #ThoughtsAndPrayers
@QasimRashid I'm sure it was a complete coincidence.
And it would be a shame if it happens again.
Y’all, about four months ago, when I was talking about all the fraud United Healthcare got away with, and all the people that died because of UH refusing care, I said that csuite would never be punished.
Turns out, I was wrong. United healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was shot dead this morning in Manhattan in a targeted attack, as he was on his way to the investors meeting to talk about all the profit they make on killing Americans by denying them healthcare.
Thoughts and prayers, as the GOP would say.
#uhc #wagesofsin #thoughtsandprayers #UnitedHealthCare
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@paul_ipv6 it is ridiculous - this is my first time #ThoughtsAndPrayers
Don't forget to send some mindfulmess to Burma/Myanmar.