My short stories are free on Smashwords - 86 given away in the past 4 days, 4 more to go! Grab yours now!
My short stories are free on Smashwords - 86 given away in the past 4 days, 4 more to go! Grab yours now!
My new-to-me #Meindl Perfekt #hiking boots. Changed laces after I saw the pretty examples here: (The red-laced ones are Super Perfekt boots, but )
Used to frequent /r/goodyearwelt, but #Reddit today is... Well. Did learn a thing or two about #boots and #shoes. A Goodyear welt is recognizable by the stitching around the sole, and makes it possible to replace them. Lengthening the life of your boots!
#buyitforlife #clothing #fashion #goodyearwelt #frugal @goodyearwelt
My short stories are free on Smashwords - 86 given away in the past 4 days, 4 more to go! Grab yours now!
My short stories are free on Smashwords - 86 given away in the past 4 days, 4 more to go! Grab yours now!
My short stories are free on Smashwords - 86 given away in the past 4 days, 4 more to go! Grab yours now!
Free scifi stuff offers unique opportunities to think, explore, and have fun.
#Aldi had stuffing on #clearance for 9 cents a box, so you know I came home with a crap load of it
New #permanent #job offer on #Frugal / #Green #AI
At Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) we are looking for a #experienced #reseracher in the field of #Frugal AI.
Understood in a very broad sense: from the analysis of “frugality” of current AI models to the selection/adaptation of #models to be deployed in constrained resources (in terms of energy, memory…) depending on the client requirements as part of the design process of a new #software system with #sustainability concerns.
See all the details
What is #HumbleSoup, you may ask. It's any soup you whip up quickly, usually for just one meal. Beyond that, it's up to you. It's a great way to use up #leftovers and create new flavors on the fly. It helps to keep a few things on hand, like #bonebroth or other stock, frozen vegetables, cheese, and flavors like marinara, chutney, miso, etc. Mix and match! Be adventurous. Find your own favorites. Be #frugal Post your own, use this hashtag
Our potato plants had died down already due to our cat deciding the potato bed was a nice place to lay in the sun, so we dug it over.
8kg of potatoes, an assortment of varieties called ‘stuff that was marked down at Bunnings’.
I don’t remember what we spent on the seed potatoes, but we will put the smaller and green ones back to re-seed. We can remove potatoes from our shopping list. #nobuyyear2025 #nonconsumption #permaculture #gardening #frugal
Scored brand new shoes for 90% off plus a 5 gallon bucket of paint for $ 10 (not a typo).
Take that, GDP!
The shoes add much needed safety for picking oranges high up on a ladder.
Since only suburbanites and homeowners associations have inflexible opinions on garage colors, we can and will go wild with our ancient garage, .
Super-Insulating Our Living Room (2010) - Learn how we retrofitted interior wall insulation for winter warmth and summer cool, and trimmed our carbon footprint. #aerogel #frugal #cutCarbon -
Vent-Axia Lo-Carbon Tempra single-room MHRV: Review - Learn how our Tempra MHRV helps keep humidity down in the kitchen and the air fresh, even when drying laundry in winter. #frugal #cutCarbon -
On Setting Up a Raspberry Pi Off-grid PV-Powered Server (2014) - How I set up a Raspberry Pi (Model B then B+) after the SheevaPlug. ~1.6W consumption typical, 400x less than my original server rack! #RPi #frugal #offGrid -
This actually brightened my morning.*
A bit of greenwashing, for sure, but still, I talked directly to the main author a few months ago and I think including an estimate of the carbon footprint is a sincere step in the right direction:
#frugal cc: @wim_v12e
* my morning btw will also include the first session (out of three) of a trauma workshop to deal with the psychological aftermath of #dana #Valencia.
On Setting Up a Raspberry Pi Off-grid PV-Powered Server (2014) - How I set up a Raspberry Pi (Model B then B+) after the SheevaPlug. ~1.6W consumption typical, 400x less than my original server rack! #RPi #frugal #offGrid -
I just bought ten liters of box wine (for 19.2 cents a liter plus tax) that was “best by” April 2022. Good thing it’s the season for highly-spiced and well-sweetened mulled wine!
I am Bacchus, after all, and a long winter is coming.