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Oh, I missed role-playing so much… first adventure after five years, with the same old friends in the party! 💪🏼🔥

Currently fighting with with an enormous demon (the beer in the first picture) on a ship, and I was the only one who managed to hit it successfully 😱

Now we are all drowning in the middle of a tempest, no idea what to do next 🤯

Literally a near-death experience, but playing an Ifrit Kineticist is real fun!

#DnD #Pathfinder #DungeonsAndDragons #D&D #Dungeons&Dragons #RPG #TTRPG #Golarion #Varisia #demon #combat

Goooood morning and happy new year!

My 2025 begins with the start of a 6-sessions #Pathfinder campaign with a few old time friends, tomorrow.

We are going to play an adventure created by our DM in #Golarion, we’ll be a party of five creatures of level 7.

I decided to have some fun and create a character whose class and race I have never played before. I will be an Ifrit Kineticist 🔥

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips, especially to take advantage of the combination of the Ifrit’s racial features and the Kineticist’s ones?

I wanted to stop by the RPG Assembly at #38C3, but no time 😢

(As I am on a little, non-RPG-focused instance, I will tag active people/groups that I know are involved in the #RPG community. I hope it is not a problem! Boosts are welcome ❤️)

@sage @rpg@lemmy.eco.br @gdr @RPG@kbin.social @RPGBOT @frameland @rpgkitchen @zughy @xabacadabra @kenobit @tobias

Okay, I received first player feedback for my #ttrpg campaign pitches. They liked the #Ptolus pitch, but they have been rather oversaturated with #Golarion campaigns. However, they are also interested in campaigns in either #Eberron or the #ForgottenRealms .

To reiterate, this is what I am looking for:

- The campaign should have a fairly strong regional focus - a region which the PCs can explore in depth, make connections with local people and organizations, and visit the same places again and again but under changing circumstances. (One reason is that this allows characters easily leave and join the action if one player is absent. But I have also come to the conclusion that I work best as a GM when I do a lot of worldbuilding for the campaign area in advance, instead of trying to do a "scenery of the week" travel campaign).

- The PCs should have a reason to stick together beyond mere wealth acquisition.

- There should be plenty of room for characters to drive their own plots - individually and collectively - instead of merely reacting to the world around them.

So, any good ideas for regions and campaign frameworks?


The Folkore CafeJürgen Hubert (@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe)I need to put in some thoughts for my next #ttrpg campaign. Give me some ideas for a campaign framework (ideally for a fantasy-ish setting) that fits the following: - The campaign should have a fairly strong regional focus - a region which the PCs can explore in depth, make connections with local people and organizations, and visit the same places again and again but under changing circumstances. (One reason is that this allows characters easily leave and join the action if one player is absent. But I have also come to the conclusion that I work best as a GM when I do a lot of worldbuilding for the campaign area in advance, instead of trying to do a "scenery of the week" travel campaign). - The PCs should have a reason to stick together beyond mere wealth acquisition. - There should be plenty of room for characters to drive their own plots - individually and collectively - instead of merely reacting to the world around them. What ideas can you come up with? (I haven't specified any particular setting, but if you can come with an idea that fits a particular setting especially well, then by all means share it!)

It occurs to me that the #Pathfinder Society of #Golarion would also work very well for character-driven sandbox #ttrpg campaign I would like to run.

"This region has a lot of interesting history and ancient ruins. Go explore them and figure this history out and make a name for yourself! Oh, and rivals wanting the same treasures, regional conflicts and power factions, evil cults, and locals who object to you plundering their ancestral shrines for some reason!"

One of the #ttrpg campaign ideas I have is a "Fight thr Dark" campaign set in Ustalav of #Golarion (the default campaign setting for #Pathfinder ).

In the wake of the return of the Whispering Tyrant, a minor count of Ustalav calls out for help from friends of his family - he needs assistance to secure his fiefdom from the machinations of the Whispering Way and other horrors.

The PCs would start with cleaning up local problems, and gradually expand their scope and make allies across the Principality. The campaign would culminate with stopping an invasion from the Gravelands.


pathfinderwiki.comUstalav - PathfinderWiki

Was ist eigentlich #TianXia? Mehr als ein exotisiertes #Fantasy #Fernost aus China und Japan, ist es ein von der Vielfalt asiatischer Kulturen inspirierter Kopntinent der #Pathfinder2e Welt #Golarion, von #OwnVoices geschrieben und derzeit von #UlissesSpiele als #LostOmensTianXia Weltenband im #Crowdfunding auf #GameOnTabletop. Für alle #pnpde Fans ist der weitgehend systemneutrale Weltenband ein Muss - ich selbst habe auch zugegriffen: gameontabletop.com/cf3711/path

Mal wieder eine kurze #pnpde #Rezension - zu einem kurzen #Pathfinder Titel: "Anuli - Stadt des Neuanfangs" - Es gibt nicht viele Länder die Geb als nördlichen Nachbarn haben, aber die Himmlische Konkordanz von Holomog hat das - mit Anuli als nördlichster Stadt. Und was für eine Stadt! Ihr solltet alle längst das #MwangiExpanse Buch haben, aber für einen Einstieg in Garund ist dies ein feiner Appetithappen, für #Golarion Sammler eine Notwendigkeit. ulisses-ebooks.de/product/4775 Kauftipp: nur 2,99€

Replied in thread

@chaoticneutral for play or for a read? DL (the original six PB/two HC) was the best read, but wasn't good for playing. #Greyhawk has little literary merit, but read and played more like "real D&D", FR became just too bloated, though there are interesting spots in both the numerous novels and some adventures. That's why Option 4 for me is not #Golarion but nonprofit #ProjektMyra for me. (Can you still call it #homebrew after 40 years with hundreds contributing ideas, stories and art?)

Continued thread

Für die #RPGaDay2023 Antworten 20 (Werde ich noch in 20 Jahren spielen) und 21 (Favorite Licensed RPG) verweise ich auf Antwort 18: rollenspiel.social/@projektmyr Ich bin überzeugt dass die #dungeonsanddragons Produktfamilie durch die offenen #OpenGaming Lizenzen #D20 #OGL und jetzt #OpenRPG #ORC von #Paizo und #UlissesSpiele weiter gehen wird und annehmend dass ich noch 20 Jahre habe werde ich da weiter spielen, auf MYRA statt #Aventurien #ForgottenRealms #Golarion

Neu bei meinen gedruckten #pnpde #Rollenspiele Büchern: #Pathfinder2e "Hort des Wissens" von Jabari Weathers. Auch auf deutsch hier ein Abenteuer in der Zauberschule Maagambya auf #Golarion - bei #ProjektMyra so wie #StrengthOfThousands an der MSM auf #Karcanon ansiedelbar. Das Abenteuer gibt es bei #UlissesSpiele für unsagbar günstige unter 5€ für die gedruckte Version, solange Vorrat reicht. Nachgedruckt wird es nicht.

Wie man im Hintergrund sehen kann: mehr #Zauberschule = mehr gut.

Continued thread

Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort (16) RPG I wish I owned? Das ist wohl #Ptolus #MonteCook's City by the Spire" - #DnD5e kompatibel, aber vor allem ein auf eine Stadt konzentriertes #Worldbuilding, das #Absalom auf #Golarion übertrifft, mindestens vom Umfang her. Als Ebook erschwinglich drivethrurpg.com/product/34403 Als Hardcover ein Trumm, das Markus Plötz von #UlissesSpiele leider für deutsch unpublizierbar hält: amzn.to/3DXcfqH Falls mir das jemand schenken will? Nur zu! #pnpde