If someone gave you a spinning wheel, a loom and a sheep, you COULD make your own clothes. But it would probably take you years to teach yourself how and you would be freezing and in rags before you figured it out. However, if you were also friends with someone who knew how to look after the sheep, shear it's wool, clean, card and spin that wool, weave the threads on the loom and then show you how to cut and sew a garment, it would go much faster.
Now if you ALREADY had those skills when you had the leisure time, money and people/resources to learn, you would not only be way ahead of the game but you could sell or barter your product and your knowledge as the needs arise.
Think about all the things you have and use that you have no idea how they were produced or where they came from. Think about all the people in your community with different skills and talents that you could learn from or trade and barter from.
The point is, learn some primitive skills now. Find out what you have inherent talent in. Experiment. Look for local resources. Find your people. Learn all kinds of different ways to look after yourself and your family when things collapse. Our high tech world is fragile and not sustainable. People are going to be shocked at how fast things fall apart and break when the means to continually consume, replace or repair are interrupted.