Here's a free Sifillis Stories placemat you can print out! More stuff at
Here's a free Sifillis Stories placemat you can print out! More stuff at
Tarot Reading For Cancer Scorpio Pisces This tarot reading empowers Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) to stop being manipulated and let the universe guide you in relationships. From challenges to the path forward, this reading will help you reclaim your faith, trust your intuition, and find clarity.
#tarot #tarotreader #tarotreading #spiritualjourney
#dailytarot #tarotcommunity #spirituality #zodiac #tarorcards #Cancer #Scorpio #Pisces
This tarot reading for Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), offers insights into relationships and the energies affecting you.
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Watch now | This tarot reading empowers Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) to stand strong. From challenges to the path forward, this reading will guide you through the tension and show you how to come out unscathed. Trust the cards to help you navigate these workplace dynamics with strength and clarity.
Watch now |
#tarot #tarotreader #tarotreading #spiritualjourney
#dailytarot #tarotcommunity #spirituality #zodiac #tarorcards
Overcome & Break Free. Join me as we explore the deeper insights through Lenormand cards, providing extra clarity on your path forward. Let’s uncover the steps to reclaim your power and create the life you deserve.
Watch full reading:
#tarot #tarotreader #tarotreading #spiritualjourney
#dailytarot #tarotcommunity #spirituality #zodiac #tarorcards
My book review of Alan Moore's 'The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic'. I recommend this good book.
#books #review #magic #imagination #kabbalah #dreams #carljung #alanmoore #jewish #mysticism #mystic #mustafakulle #book #astrology #hebrew #zodiac #gods #alchemy #mythology
Close up crops for detail! #Procreate #FurryArt #AnthroArt #Furry #Anthro #Taurus #Zodiac #Horoscope #MastoArt
One majestic star boy coming right up! Taurus themed commission for UltimateKD’s (Bluesky -> character, Aelwyn. 28 hours in Procreate! Reshares greatly appreciated! #Procreate #FurryArt #AnthroArt #Furry #Anthro #Taurus #Zodiac #Horoscope #MastoArt
ooo -- btw, sorry to be late, but happy #pisces season!
To learn about the #astronomy & #myths of this #zodiac #constellation (and perhaps one of our greatest wished for branding ideas), check out our season 1 #podcast episode here:
Interesting what you can find in my local hardware shop...
A pack of "Zodiac Playing Cards", not to be confused with Astrological Playing Cards, these don't correspond to the astro meanings, but to the individual houses (which is a good twist).
#divination #zodiac
Como ya anuncié, mi intención era publicar la versión definitiva del SRD a finales de este mes. Por desgracia, las cosas no salen siempre como uno quiere... :(
He tenido un par de semanas terribles en el trabajo y no he podido dedicar tanto tiempo como hubiese querido a revisar todo el feedback que, dicho sea de paso, ¡¡ha sido muchísimo!! Algunos temas he tenido que sopesarlos detenidamente y, en varios casos, he "cedido" en mi planteamiento respecto a la visión que tenéis los demás. Por ejemplo: el AD ("Ajuste de Dificultad") hace casi 9 años que no se resta a la CD, sino que se suma a la tirada; entonces, ¿por qué lo seguimos llamando "AD" en vez de "AT"?. Otros cambios son mucho más notorios y han conllevado reestructurar párrafos enteros, mover contenidos de una página a otra, etc...
Me falta poco para terminar de aplicar TODAS las revisiones pendientes, pero después vendrá una nueva fase de revisiones en busca de erratas, despistes e incoherencias gramaticales (típica situación en la que una frase tenía sentido y de repente se queda "coja" al modificar partes del párrafo). Y eso me debería llevar al menos un par de semanas más...
Así que, siendo optimistas: si todo va bien, tendréis el SRD definitivo para el 14 de febrero (y me podréis decir que Dan Va Lentín xD). Si se complica (aún más), pues ya para finales de ese mes....
Os prometo, en cualquier caso, que la espera merecerá la pena. ^_^
(Imagen: un Dybbuk ilustrado por Daniel Jimbert. Muy "related content" por el muerto que llevo encima ahora mismo: después de todo el día revisando y remaquetando detalles del SRD, estoy que me caigo de sueño ya xD).
Find out which stars share your sign #AntonioBanderas #BellaHadid #Beyoncé #CardiB #Celebrities #CelebritiesNews #DavidBeckham #GigiHadid #JohnnyDepp #KendallJenner #KhloéKardashian #KimKardashian #KrisKenner #KylieJenner #lifestyle #MarcAnthony #NicoleKidman #Photos&Galleries #SalmaHayek #shakira #SofiaVergara #zendaya #Zodiac
巳 The Year of the Snake
Like many East Asian countries, Japan uses the 12-animal Chinese zodiac.
2025 is the year of the Snake
The kanji for "snake" is usually 蛇 (hebi).
However the kanji for animals in the Chinese Zodiac are different.
Snake is 巳.
via japanwords
Are narcissists drawn to your zodiac sign? Find out which signs are most at risk and learn how to protect yourself from toxic relationships!
It’s time to set boundaries and reclaim your power. #Zodiac #SelfCare #ToxicRelationships
#Zodiac (2007)
Between 1968 and 1983, a San Francisco cartoonist becomes an amateur detective obsessed with tracking down the Zodiac Killer, an unidentified individual who terrorizes Northern California with a killing spree.
Director #DavidFincher films a car scene with #LeeNorris #CiaraMoriarty
Hello #Fediverse hoped everyone have a great start of the year 2025 In Chinese Zodiac: The 2025 Year of the Wood Snake, starts on January 29 & concludes on February 16, 2026. People who are born in the Year of
oftens wise & calm.
Anyways, Was thingking of sharing about what happened last night. It's probably boring tbh but I just find it "Weird" probably just imagining things Well it's not my first time experiencing paranormal so I'm not new to it..
Happy #Capricorn season!
To learn about the #astronomy of the #constellation #Capricornus & the #mythology behind this #Zodiac constellation, check out S1E1 of our #podcast, here: