@derek is thedoodleproject.com still a thing?
@danielmrose Very much so! How can I help ya?
@derek Brilliant!
1) If I have my top level domain connected to a website, do I need to use a sub-domain for single instance use?
2) Are mastodon apps supported (Mona, particularly)?
3) Have you guys implemented the ability to move followers automatically yet?
@danielmrose Nope, no subdomain needed, we just stick a small file in the .well-known location.
Yes, I am talking to you on Mona right now :)
No followers move supported still (sad), but we can import users via standard tools.
@derek OK, my domain is currently tied to a write.as blog and not Wordpress. Does that matter?
@danielmrose Shouldn’t matter - as long as you have control of the domain and can set a file on /.well-known/… should be good. There’s alternatives if we need if that’s not an option, just a bit more complicated.
@derek I don’t think I can. I can set up custom CSS and custom Java script but I don’t have any back end access.
@danielmrose - if you're interested in trying it out, I'd love to work with you on it. No charge till we get it working and that will help our future clients in similar situation! I've been looking for a volunteer to break the need for the .well-known thing for a while. Holler if you like!
@derek I’m in! Let’s do it
@danielmrose By chance do you have the ability to set a DNS redirect (not a CNAME) at your domain provider?
@derek Maybe? My domain provider is Wordpress. Let me do a google-fu
@danielmrose OOOOooooo - so, funny story - Wordpress has built in mastodon compatibility now. Are you familiar with that solution and would it meet your needs?
@derek So my domains are hosted by Wordpress.com.
But my blog is hosted on Write.as. So I don’t actually use Wordpress.
I moved my domains there after Google sold out to Squarespace because Wordpress was offering an extra year for free.
Does that make sense?
@danielmrose Ahhh - yes, that makes good sense. Fingers crossed they have some sort of redirect option!
@derek This is what I can set.
There is an option to forward the domain but I would have to reset my A records which, I think would break my website.
But this is slightly above my pay grade
@danielmrose Yeah, those are pretty standard items, but unfortunately not quite what we’re looking for. Perhaps write.as has a feature to override the .well-known endpoints? I suspect not since write.as is ALSO a fediverse endpoint.
@danielmrose - want to continue tinkering with it, or should I go ahead and disable? I wish there were a better mechansim for searches. Granted, the only "blocker" here is when people search you by name - (user)(at)(domain.com). The rest of the ecosystem works fine, ie, people can follow you, they just will see your service domain in your username instead of your domain. :(
@derek let’s go ahead and disable. Thanks for giving it a go! I really appreciate it.