#Today 28
Good day!
This is, literally, my view.
The place where I’m babysitting a handful of animals (Evie the Cat is here). Where my car battery died after 10-years.
I’ve setup collaborative hikes & my writing journal for March. Next, notes on the sequel to Deadly Stroll, which is Exhumed Reflection.
Be everwell.
@CA_Hawthorne I may be just a little bit jealous . . .
@ArtGeek Me, too, actually. I live an hour south where it’s picturesque, but not like this. You’d think this was taken at a resort, but it’s just a sleepy little town. The Mission Mountains are always a joy to behold.
@CA_Hawthorne @ArtGeek The Adirondack mountains are my happy place, but they're a mountains of a different sort.