How does everybody feel about prologues?
Love them? Necessary evil for some stories? Or should we just relabel them as ‘Chapter 1’ and not prologue?
I just realised I can add a form! So I will ask again:
Love them? Necessary evil for some stories? Or should we just relabel them as ‘Chapter 1’ and not prologue?
#writers #writingCommunity #prologues #writingAdvice
@Michaelvaliant My answer is not really there, but is along the lines of "My feelings are determined on a case-by-case basis." I feel sometimes prologues work, but there needs to be a reason for it to be a prologue. (EG a different form or style) And, obviously, there needs to be a solid reason for it to be there at all.
@andyb that was going to be my next option, but apparently you can only set 4, so I just left it as is.
I think this is my opinion too. I like a good prologue when it makes sense. And really dislike them when I feel they were done badly.