How does everybody feel about prologues?
Love them? Necessary evil for some stories? Or should we just relabel them as ‘Chapter 1’ and not prologue?
@Michaelvaliant I like prologues, and include them in my books sometimes...
or, at least, I include something that has all the usual features of a prologue
BUT I never call it "prologue"
because I've found that some readers will skip over a prologue, assuming that it's along the lines of a foreword or introduction
@Michaelvaliant I mean I would skip prologues too if I expected them to be like the ones in Romeo and Juliet (summarize and spoil the plot of the whole story) or Pyramus and Thisby (clarify that the guy in the fursuit is not really a lion)
@Earthtoerika unfortunately you never know what you are getting into until it’s (possibly) too late! :)