This weekend was Nick's 2year anniversary of being adopted. Last year, he proudly went for a walk carrying his pink narwhal squeaky toy. This morning, he grabbed it and stood by the door, so naturally, we had to do another narwhal walk, so it is now tradition. Adorable tradition. #dogs #AdoptDontShop
@VampiresAndRobots Totally in love with our 2 1/2 year old rescue. He was rotated through shelters from the age of 6 months until we got him not quite 3 months ago. He's an awesome dog. We're 2 for 2 on rescues: the previous one was also awesome. They're all good dogs.
@jhv they're the best! After the last of our first group of rescues passed, we decided to go with senior dogs and I have no regrets. These little guys deserve the best life we can give them.
@VampiresAndRobots Our previous rescue, #LadyLucyWafflePants, was rescued from the Savannah area by a woman who runs an animal rescue place. I won't get into all the details, but Lady was being treated horribly. The "rescue," I'm told, involved a shotgun & a pair of bolt cutters. Then K wound up with Lady, & later I wound up with K. :) I don't like to sound like I'm bragging, but that dog had a 1000% better life with us than she had then. #dog #rescueDogs #DogsOfMastodon #RIPLady
@jhv oh my gosh, yes! She definitely sounds like she has a better life now! And what an absolute cutie!
@VampiresAndRobots Her kidneys failed in March, & we had her euthanized. I'd never been with a dog so long, & it damn near killed me. :( Same with K. K got a tattoo of Lady on her lower leg -- I don't think she'd ever been with a dog that long either. Lady was so important to her. We call the tattoo "Ghost Lady." :) And sometimes, when we talk about Lady now, we also call her Ghost Lady. It's just how we deal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #LadyLucyWafflePants
@jhv aw, that's so sweet! It's so hard losing them. They deserve so much more time.
@VampiresAndRobots My friend Mayes thinks dogs should get a natural lifespan roughly equal to humans, but neither of us know how to arrange that. ;)
@jhv I agree!
@David_Kelly_SF he's a little stinker.