Hi, #ReadingCommunity! What is everyone #reading today? I'm enjoying Double-Crossing the Bridge by Sarah J. Sover and Blood Feud: Red Wings V. Colorado Avalanche by Adrian Dater.
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub Reading Pratchett's Small Gods and a friend's beta read.
How's Double-Crossing the Bridge? I've seen a few interesting things about it.
What do you think of Small Gods so far?
I'm enjoying Double-Crossing the Bridge and loved her other book, Fairy Godmurderer.
I have gotten a little distracted by Blood Feud. That whole messy feud was before my time really but I know about it. Reading the history behind it is fascinating. I don't think I would have been able to handle watching that amount of violence on ice. I'm glad I missed it, but the book is interesting.
This is probably my fifth time reading it (maybe more) and it's like sitting down at your favourite cosy restaurant.
I'll put Double-Cross on the list.
And I wander what it'd be like if I'd grown up on that era of hockey. As a latecomer used to the way rugby stamped out its casual violence, I'm really not a fan.
@Peat I love hearing about people's comfort reads!
I don't mind a hockey fight but there's a line that I really don't think should be crossed. When it goes off-ice too or becomes about more than just the heat of the game.. not my thing.