I was reminded that when I was young I thought the lyrics to "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" were "shake, provolone".
Have any of you misheard song lyrics like that? I'm not the only one, right?
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub My sister use to think Paperback Writer was "Take the back right turn" for YEARS
That's hilarious. Great song too!
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub I myself thought Feed the World was "Jesuuuss, WOOAHHHH". Literally until my husband corrected me a few years ago
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub Certainly cracked my husband up
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub I was positive the line in Comfortably Numb was “a distant chipmunk on the horizon”
Bwahahaha! Now I'm disappointed that it wasn't.
My wife used to think the lyrics to Michael Jackson's Wanna be Startin' Somethin' were
Mama said I'ma stay with Microsoft
Mama siad I'ma stay with Microsoft
Ha ha! I love it!
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub While I can't recall exactly which ones just now, I do remember I had some hilarious misinterpretations of the lyrics of multiple Michael Jackson lyrics. So, I get you!
My oldest used to sing the lines from "Smooth Criminal " as "Daddy, are you okay? Are you okay, Daddy?"
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub I can totally hear those words to the lyrics now.
I don't know whether to apologize or say you're welcome.
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub All the time. I don't trust my ears!
Ha ha ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one.
@WittyAndSarcasticBookclub Feliz Navidad - we didn’t really mishear it but always sang Ellie’s Lovely Dad when my daughter Ellie was little and it’s stuck!
That's awesome!