Check out this insane laptop someone found on AliExpress. It’s a $350 device and the CPU is completely underpowered, but holy cow, look at that keyboard.
There’s a legit case for pulling out the innards of this and replacing them with a Raspberry Pi.
Many different listings, this is currently the cheapest.
All have 16GB of RAM
Strong cyberdeck potential for modders
The price is now $599. They must have figured out they have something good
@ernie honestly, that's intriguing.
@ajroach42 It could be a writing-only machine and it would be an excellent choice for that
@ernie battery life, though. What's it gonna do in that department?
@ajroach42 Per specs:
Battery Capacity: 5000 mAh
Average Battery Life:4-6hours
So, not amazing. He took it apart in the video. The speakers are apparently trash and next to the batteries so you could probably mod it to use a different type of battery pack.
@ernie @ajroach42 I’m just enjoying the weirdness of a terrible, terrible, CPU paired with more RAM than that CPU would know what do to with
@wiredfire @ernie I have a similarly specced laptop from a company based in China.
It was my daily driver for a while.
@ajroach42 @ernie to be fair you could probably squeeze something pretty usable with a lightweight OS like peppermint. Used to run that on Netbooks when they were all the rage and it worked rather well on minimal specs.
@wiredfire @ernie Stick Ubuntu Studio on it.
I run that on 10 year old boxes with 2GB of RAM and successfully edit video (slowly) and do lots of other things (quickly)
@ajroach42 @wiredfire That’s what I’d say.
BTW the attachable webcam is hilarious
@ajroach42 @ernie oh how I love Linux for getting the most out of pretty much any hardware!
Just today I got a 10 year old MacBook stuck back on Mountain Lion or some nonsense fully up to date and completely usable , and useful, with Linux.
@ernie @ajroach42 i'd be delighted with it as a travel machine - the hardest bit of going away from home for any time is leaving my beloved 4K monitors behind.
mind, i'm currently typing this on a Wyse 5020 thin client with 4GB RAM and an AMD GX-415GA processor - not fast! - so even with its CPU it'd seem like a considerable upgrade to me
@millihertz @ajroach42 it definitely has “thin client” written all over it, especially with the screen, which also punches above its weight.
@ernie btw let me know if you want my PineBook Pro
@mattl I have one!
@ernie I have one and I want to get rid of it!
@ernie dimensions show height at 21.4mm - a pi model b form factor board is about 21.2mm from top of usb ports to bottom of microsd card slot, so might have to go with something in a different form factor, but very yes
@ernie I'm not above rolling with the bulky ports hanging off the left side either, lean into the cyberdeck vibe, get asymmetric and shit
@ernie I found a deal on it at whatcouldpossiblygowrong dot com
@dsilverman you buy a machine like this for laughs honestly heh