Several commentators, last week: “Apple must not allow alternative app stores or sideloading because HOW WILL USERS STAY SAFE?”
Apple App Store, this week:
@ianbetteridge Dead right. Apple’s unconvincing arguments would be more convincing if their App Store weren’t full of obvious scams, fakes and casino games.
Ignorance is easily curable, especially in this instance. Laziness is perhaps incurable. Anyone using LastPass is an incurable idiot.
@ianbetteridge my MacBook bricked -- again. I'm done with macintosh.
@ianbetteridge on the Anki subreddit there was a near constant stream of posts by people complaining about an iOS app called AnkiApp which did a pretty similar thing to the actual Anki app but in an enshittified way.
Apple had specifically decided that this didn't violate any App Store terms or conditions.
@ianbetteridge It snowed at my house, so there’s no climate change?