Here’s a fantastical question: If you could choose to live without ever having to consume anything would you choose to live as a non-consuming being or would you choose to keep enjoying food, eating, and drinking?
#philosophy #existence #food #eating #drinking #living
@noself This raises the question of how many of the 38% that would choose to live without ever having to consume anything are named "Mary."
@rmkelly LOL, If they are gay or queer, they've probably been called Mary, as I have, many times. But actually named Mary, that'd be a merry coincidence!
@noself Ha! I have succeeded in telling a layered joke, one layer of which was an utter failure. "Mary's Room" is an interesting thought experiment.
But I take your point about there being nothing wrong with being "Mary"!
@rmkelly Hehe. I actually was thinking about that yesterday. A show called "The Voice" has a contestant this season who is profoundly deaf. The last season of Dancing with the Stars also had a deaf actor Daniel Durant. I was wondering what their experience of singing and dancing was like for them and how that would change if all of sudden they could hear. Thanks for the laugh and discourse.
@noself I'm late to the poll but I like the question very much. It's something I've often thought about, so I want to answer.
While I certainly appreciate the gastronomical pleasures, it would be of greater value to me to dispense with the necessity to consume nutrients in order to live. *That* would be a luxury greater than the best wines.
@robertoqs that would make this small poll 50/50 which gives us more hope. I see the question as my own Turin test for Homo sapiens.
I agree with you Roberto, the fantasy fulfilled, “would be a luxury greater than the best wine.”