As is probably well known by now.. Biden is a very old family friend of my parents from before I was born. So maybe its just more obvious to me since I've seen his decline over the years and its rather obvious.
But honestly I cant help but think a statement like this suggests you've never seen any of his old content (I mean most of it is highly racist so they dont tend to show it much to democrats).
You can literally just go find any video of him talking 20 years ago, and then watch him talking now and its night and day.. 20 years ago he spoke quickly, clearly, and had no trouble articulating his words or addressing people... Now he spends 20 minutes on stage walking around trying to shake hands with people who arent even there and cant even speak without forgetting where he is or what he was saying.
And no trump wasnt the source of that idea, people have been calling him senile since long before he was even running.
But Biden isn’t senile. There’s no evidence of serious mental decline. He’s acting as he always has.
Yea that has no basis in reality and is tremendously obvious to anyone who has followed his older work as I have. As is well known at this point Biden is a long-time friend of the family, he has been coming to my parents home for dinner since before I was born… So obviously to me, someone who has obviously seen him speak in the early years, it is undeniable he is senile.
That said, its really shocking you would say that and actually ever bothered to see how he acted int he past… The only way I can understand how you could say that is if you never saw him speak int he past and just made that up…. but either way easily remedied…
Here is a video of him from the 80’s talking, it was just the first hit I got:
Meanwhile here is the stuff we routinely get… he slurs his words, looks confused, and often goes off into complete random gibberish… he has been seen trying to shake hands with people who arent there.. yea clearly he has mentally declined.