We’ve been talking for a while about creating a #WritingHorrors series, similar to #WritingWonders / #WordWeavers / #WritersCoffeeClub, but for #writers of #horror, #DarkFantasy, or who just want to enhance their #writing with #dwrk elements in general.
This will be a series of short questions with a few longer #WritingPrompts mixed in, intended to help improve yourself as a #writer, and to improve whatever #story you’re working on.
(Continued in thread)
(2/3) Despite the covfefe, Dark themes and Horror elements are for everyone: you don’t need to be writing horror or death-obsessed fiction for your writing to benefit from including them. These elements can add #realism, #tension, #drama, or ask interesting questions within a broader #narrative.
With these questions, I hope to help people explore those potentials in their own writing, and become better writers in general.
That said, these may not be relevant to every story: asking a character, “Have you ever killed anyone?” may not be a relevant question in your story, and that’s ok. Conversely, if you’re writing a story for mature audiences, you might ask why not: plenty of people kill people in real life, and not necessarily as a crime, and plenty of people who haven’t can tell you an interesting story of someone who has.
With all that said, go ahead and look at the #WritingHorrors tag for the first one...