Just started watching #Endeavour - I never watched #Morse, but wanted a mystery at the cosier end of the spectrum.
I like Morse's character and the characters around him. It was a good first episode, with the right balance of shorthand tropes and showing-not-telling character and relationships.
@roclaverton I saw the early season(s) of Endeavour, also as someone who didn't watch Morse, and I was delighted by it. Quality production, good writing, earnest lead. (I don't think I've seen the latest seasons yet.) It pairs well with the Young Wallader series.
@roclaverton My only problem with "Establish White Guy Character: Origin Story"-series is... there are lots of stories we aren't telling / people we aren't representing in our industry infatuation with white guys.
I'd love to see marginalized lead stories told with this kind of care and access to resources and support.
*I understand the biz case for rebooting (/milking) established IP. But that doesn't erase the strong white patriarchal representation (which is prolly part of the greenlight.)
@AdaraAstin Oh, definitely. I'd like to see a Young Luther.
I am enjoying Queen Charlotte, also. That was an origin series I didn't know I needed.
@roclaverton I know I'm preaching to the choir with you on this.
I was stunned by Queen Charlotte, and I don't impress easily.