Well he didn't know the difference, did he? And now another mother is without her child
Parading the grieving mother of a murdered trans girl to try to fool the Queer vote that Starmer's Labour give a single fuck about us then going on about punishing other trans girls when in power, I wish I could say I was surprised....
As I see she's back on the media (Sky News) tonight, and this might feel heartless, but if Esther Ghey doesn't start calling out the media for their key (perhaps eventually pivotal) role in a political witch-hunt to eradicate trans people's existence from society, I don't know when will.
It's not about 'social media' being 'the problem', when mainstream media pundits are openly and proudly denigrating and dehumanising trans people like her late daughter...
Did he actually apologise to the mother of Brianna Ghey for what he said?
#RishiSunak #BriannaGhey #LGBTQIA #UKPOL #UKpolitics
Brianna Ghey. We will not forget.
How two teenagers planned the murder of a trans schoolgirl. The plan, the arrest and the sentencing.
You can bet Starmer is all "Brianna who" this week as his team double down on the Thatcher love.
Us Queers have had our token display of compassion (which wasn't just a political move at all, nope) and now we go back into the shadows and await a Labour government to ignore us and tell us how much better Thatcher was than our stinking AIDS ridden hides....
#BriannaGhey’s #mum Esther meets with killer’s mum in ’#emotional’ #encounter.
The group reportedly met to discuss possibly working together on #EsthersPeaceandMindcampaign, which she launched in memory of Brianna.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK
I'm probably a bit behind on this, but I've just read that the father of one of the kids that murdered #BriannaGhey has a history of sexual offences against children.
Her life was taken away with unthinkable violence - but you can't help wondering if her killer himself really had much of a chance in his own life.
#BriannaGhey’s #mother #slams ‘#horrendous’ #antitrans #hate directed at her #murdered #daughter
Brianna was #stabbedtodeath in a #park in #Culcheth, #Warrington just over a year ago. She was 16 years old.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #Tories #TERFS #Media #MoralPanic #HateSpeech #StochasticTerrorism #Hatecrimes
@VPS_Reports I wonder if the kids who murdered Brianna Ghey were a fan of Chaya.
"Hey Prime Minister, got a joke about this have you?"
Seems to be open season on Trans Girls in the UK, wonder where all that hate came from?
Any introspection there from the Columnists and the Influencers?
Brianna Ghey's mum Esther breaks silence on trans row whipped up by Keir Starmer
Well, it's time to announce that we are exploring the possibility of legal action against Darren Grimes for his sickening transphobic attack on #BriannaGhey:
This is what we intend to do, how much we will hopefully raise - but we will need your help.
The politicians and media figures who spread the #transphobia that contributed to Brianna’s murder will face no consequences, unlike her killers.
Last week, the two teenagers who brutally murdered #BriannaGhey, a trans teenage girl in #England, were convicted to a life sentence in prison.
Many celebrated the verdict.
Others displayed feelings that were less celebratory.