The Doom in Wortham | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.7
The Doom in Wortham | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.7
Finally hit T3 in the last vid. Never underestimate the efficacy of a thousand tiny attacks with a little luck every now and then | #gaming #DiabloIV #Diablo
Yes! It is possible to play «Diablo 1» thanks to DevilutionX in GNU/Linux.
Sword of the Stranger Pt.1 | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.6
Diablo likes to mark everything in his habitat, including his enrichment toys, a common behavior among wild cats. In the wild, this is how they would claim their territory. Diablo also enjoys lying in his mulch pile or conversing with his neighbors.
Diablo 4 Season 8 delivers Belial, brutal challenges, and new boss powers. Try it on the PTR —discover what’s next for Blizzard’s ARPG.
#diablo #gaming #games
Reign of the Black King | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.5
Diablo 4 campaign in 2025 is so easy it's ridiculous. It was no fun and ruined the story for me. I was planning on redoing the campaign on a higher difficulty, but found out that's not an option.
A Shattered Crown Pt.2 | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.4
> What is the acceptable Diablo-clone du jour
I don't know, but Libre Game Wiki is one place to look;
A Shattered Crown Pt.1 | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.3
Tower Of Kalemonvo game thingy again cuz i can yeyeye and its been a while yyeyeyeye and its gonna fully release next month YEYEYEYEYE
Crunched a bit today to get everything ready last-minute for @saveandraid. Hyped as every year, but disappointed that my wife won't be on stream with me since she's sick.
Streaming layout ready, milestones and incentives ready, socials posts for the S&R account mostly set up.
Tomorrow can come. Here is the schedule for this year:
I will be live at 1 PM CET!
#SaveandRaid #Charity #SuicidePrevention #MentalHealth #Diablo
The Legacy of Cain | Let's Play Diablo 3 Ep.2
Diablo II: Resurrected [Download] (Xbox One+Series X|S) für 8,43 EUR #Reseller
Metacritic: 80%
Zum Deal
A 2007 32-bit Intel MacBook running Mac OS X 10.4 playing multiplayer with a 2021 Apple Silicon M1 Max MacBook Pro running macOS 15.3. Science isn't about why, it's about why not!
(Article in Polish) In March 2009, Maciej “groobo” Maselewski, via the Speed Demos Archive, (claimed to) have beaten the original Diablo in 3 minutes and 12 seconds. After analysis, it turns out that there are 2.2 billion possible variants of maps in the game, a tool was created to analyze them, and it proved this record fake (it's still listed in the Guinness Book for fastest rpg completion).
Największy speedrunowy mit obalony! Rekord Diablo z 2009 roku był niemożliwy – mapy pochodziły spoza legalnego zakresu! Jak to w ogóle przeszło?