Super Cleaning the Electrolux Way, c.1960s - Electrolux Postcard
Super Cleaning the Electrolux Way, c.1960s - Electrolux Postcard
This was the easiest repair of the kitchen appliance (cooking hob) ever.
One of the heaters in my ceramic cooking hob stopped working.
I was quite surprised that after 20yrs repair parts (Electrolux) are still available. Ordered a new one (85€) and after 2 weeks, I received it.
Firstly I lifted the cooking hob from the wooden cabinet. Disconnected circuit breakers, disconected mains.
Unscrewed 11 screws, removed ceramic plate:
Then I changed the heater, reassembled, inserted it back in the cabinet, applied new sealant around it and it works again.
The new heater had a bit different connector (switched inner and outer ring phase). I just had to observe which connecting wire is connected to which heating wire.
See the image – the heater below (still connected) is an old one, the one above (not yet connected) is a new one. The location of a connector of the upper heater is a bit different.
This cooking hob is was designed as it should be – very repairable, not complicated, parts available. Even if there was no original part available, the shop told me some non-original (but fitting) heaters are available.
Good, I’m satisfied. It took me less than an hour to repair it.
P. S. : This post was originally published from mobile – Tusky app to my WP blog. Pictures were upladed later from web editor, it looks like I can’t upload them from Tusky.
Tags: #repair #diy #electrolux #cookinghob
#Darty, #LG, #Electrolux… Des fabricants d’électroménager condamnés à une énorme amende pour entente sur les prix -
> L’Autorité de la concurrence a sanctionné ce jeudi 19 décembre douze entreprises du secteur de l’électroménager, pour s’être mis d’accord sur les prix pendant sept ans, entre 2007 et 2014. Elles devront payer des amendes à hauteur de 611 millions d’euros.
Les militants radicalisés de la libre concurrence, ils sont où là ?
My Electrolux front-loader clothes washer will be 15 years old in November and has never needed a repair. It has been a beast for my family of four but is beginning to make some new noises and might need to be replaced soon. The only thing I regret about purchasing it was buying and renewing an extended warranty that I never used and finally let lapse after about 7 years. I don’t know if all their washers last this long or if I’ve just been lucky. I will probably replace it with a new one, but maybe only after letting it reach the 15-year mark.
I just discovered the #Electrolux robot vacuum cleaner I have is based on #FOSS software. And you can download the source code from the website.
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | Aus aktuellem Anlass: #Verbraucherinformation von #AEG / #ELECTROLUX / #ZANUSSI (#Dampfgarer-#Entkalker.flaschen > mglw. Austritt der ätzenden Chemikalie)
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