New chapter released!
"Chapter 93: Interrogation"

New chapter released!
"Chapter 93: Interrogation"
New chapter from my fantasy comedy fiction is done and published!
Read it, download it, print it out and eat it if you want to. Either way it's free for you, always
Oh hey so I wrote another book. This one is 'limited distribution' because, well, it's too spicy for Amazon
(contains a bit of dubcon and some werewolfy smut, none of this 'shifters must be entirely human before banging' rubbish, I mean like, we're here for the weird, right?)
New book has finally hit all the stores so here I am, again, shouting from the rooftops
Yay! My book finally made it out to all the stores so I can scream the link from the rooftops
I've just published my first book Nothing's live just yet, but I'm still on a bit of a high
It's FINISHED. The 'quicky' smut fic that ended up being more than twice as long as it should have been is DONE.
(i'll think about the editing another day )
Submissions are now open for Sliced Up Press' next anthology, SLAY AND SLAY AGAIN - An Anthology of Queer Horror.
Whether you want to embrace tropes or tear them to pieces, we want to see what queer horror means to you. We're not looking to fill this book with pieces where the only queer characters die, though we won't overlook submissions where that happens.
Find out more on our website at
Very pleased to be included in this excellent blog post by editor Matthew Webster-Moore.
"Will My Editor Think My Book is Boring? – Editors’ Insights"