Well now, today's the first VOD we'll come across with two games in one, we started off with more #IonFury but switched over to #MonsterHunterWorld about 2 hours in for a change of pace.
Well now, today's the first VOD we'll come across with two games in one, we started off with more #IonFury but switched over to #MonsterHunterWorld about 2 hours in for a change of pace.
21時からモンハンの沼に、はまっていくよ「Monster Hunter: World」#13 https://www.youtube.com/live/H8fjDldKCR4?si=F-E9MY6EtbzxPjLG @YouTubeより
https://www.wacoca.com/games/1064512/ 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】MHWI
太刀ソロ・ミラボレアス《Monster Hunter World Iceborne》ワイルズ迄
参加型は概要欄 Fatalis ##GAMING ##gamingvideos #Fatalis #gameplay #games #MHW #MHWI #MHWIB #MonsterHunter #monsterhunterworld #PS4GAMES #ゲーム実況 #にゃんてんどう #ミラボレアス #モンスターハンター #モンスターハンター:ワールド #モンスターハンターワイルズ #モンハン #モンハンワイルズ #多人遊玩 #女性実況 #女性配信 #怪物猎人
#MonsterHunterWilds に触発され、#MonsterHunterWorld (アイスボーン)をまたやりたくなり、4年半前に時間切れで負けたブラントドスに再度挑んでみて、双剣で40分かけて倒しましたw
FF14で零式に挑んだ経験も活きてると思うし(アクションじゃないけど)、クラッチも勉強し直したし、元々脳筋ゆえ最近プレイしてるBaldur's Gate 3で戦略の重要性を学んだのも功を奏したかもしれないw 回復もだけど、それ以外の準備もほんと大事なんだなぁ。
Question to #MonsterHunterWorld enthusiasts out there: How long do you think it would take for a semi-noob at #MonsterHunter to start a save file from scratch and meet both requirements for the Palico skins and cards to unlock for #MonsterHunterWilds?
I beat #MHW and dabbled in #Iceborn back in the day on #Playstation, but don’t have a #PS5 this gen and have preordered Wilds for #Xbox. Which means I have to start over from scratch.
I ask because I just got the Iceborn Deluxe on sale in the Xbox store and would like to unlock the bonus before #Wilds comes out.
Giving #monsterhunterworld a go for the first time ever. Last time I played a #monsterhunter game was way back on the #psp I forgot how much I enjoyed this universe. #gaming #pcgaming
#Capcom decided to force a 40GB update to #MonsterHunterWorld (which takes ages to download and install) just to add an advert for their upcoming game.
And you can't skip the update or they will prevent you to play online
so if I were to get into #MonsterHunterWorld full game speedrunning... which of these weapons should I try out?
Meine Pläne fürs Wochenende: #harmonyofdissonance weiterspielen, erneut #monsterhunterworld spielen, da ich auf den neuen Teil gehypt bin & meine Freundin spielt ein neues Spiel der "Life is Strange" Entwickler, nämlich #tellmewhy
#tellmewhy ist ein eigenständiges Spiel & hat nix mit der Welt von LiS zu tun aber scheint ein Projekt zu sein um zu schauen, wie die Community es aufnimmt, da man einen Transmann & seine Schwester spielt. Evtl. haben sie Pläne für nach #lifeisstrangedoubleexposure
Da ich mega gehypt bin auf #monsterhunterwilds , werde ich wohl nochmals #monsterhunterworld installieren und auf Monsterjagd gehen mal schauen ob ich mir später noch den #iceborne #dlc digital kaufe #gaming #playstation5
Finished #MonsterHunterRise Sunbreak! I don't feel like I got better at wielding the Switchaxe since #MonsterHunterWorld, but I do have a better grasp on the skill system and what my character needs.
#AmPlaying #NintendoSwitch #Games
IGN monster Hunter wilds Dev interview information. What to expect , confirmations and a very funny debunks
#monsterhunter #MonsterHunterWorld #monsterhunterWilds #IGN #summergamesfest #videogames #twitch #youtube
When the monster sees you've been stunned and comes over to give you long, lingering kissies <3 #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterWorld #ImKiddingItBeatMyAssLol
Finally figured out how to use the clip feature in windows, celebrating by showing off how much I like tripping monsters as they try to run away <3 #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterWorld