"The Copernicus data showed daily average temperatures were more than 20C above average near the #NorthPole on Sunday, with absolute temperatures above -1C as far north as 87°N.
The findings were confirmed by an #Arctic snow buoy, which logged absolute temperatures of 0.5C on Sunday.
The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the global average since 1979, and extreme heat has become hotter and more common."
Temperatures at north pole 20C above average and beyond ice melting point | Climate crisis | The Guardian…
Scientists say unusually mild temperatures linked to low-pressure system over #Iceland directing strong flow of warm air towards the #northpole... #arctic #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming
#Temperatures at #northpole 20C above average and beyond #ice melting point
Scientists say unusually mild temperatures linked to low-pressure system over Iceland directing strong flow of warm air towards north pole
“This was a very extreme winter warming event,” said Mika Rantanen, a scientist at Finnish Meteorological Institute. “Probably not the most extreme ever observed, but still at the upper edge of what can happen in the #Arctic.”
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/feb/04/temperatures-at-north-pole-20c-above-average-and-beyond-ice-melting-point #weather #climate #globalwarming
The Magnetic #NorthPole Has Officially Changed Position
Magnetic north has shifted away from Canada and towards Siberia, a trend that has been ongoing for the last 20 years. While the geographical North Pole stays fixed in place (at the very summit of the Earth's rotational axis), the World Magnetic Model (WMM) pinpoints the magnetic North Pole – where #Earth's #magneticfield points straight down, a perfectly vertical magnetic field.
Come find and rescue Santa with Petrella before it's too late!
#Christmas #advent #christmasmarket #adventcalendar #mulledwine #elf #cookies #santaclaus #southpole #northpole #arctica #antarctica #pancakes #chile #penguins #twins #christinemunroe #writing #reading #books #authors #shortstory #fantasy #selfpublishing #whathashappenedtosantaclaus
And now it's time for our Christmas theme
Compose a song imagining Santa's snowy adventures at the North Pole.
Polar Express brings magic to Aspen Crossing
Families enjoyed the magic of the Polar Express on a heritage train ride at Aspen Crossing in Mossleigh. The ride takes them to the "North Pole" to meet Santa.
#magic #family #train #holiday #AspenCrossing #Mossleigh #NorthPole #Canada #Christmas
The ice at Santa's workshop is thinning away... #NorthPole
Check out my blog from November 2022 for more on this graphic: https://zacklabe.com/blog-archive-2022/
Today’s #Buffaloweather is fitting. Will be going to #BreakfastWithSanta in a little bit. Of course he brought the frigid #northpole temperatures with him. #buffalo #santa
Do not let the #PenguinNorthPoleInvasion go unchallenged! Resist penguins in any and all Christmas decorations! Help the real Santa #KeepChristmasPenguinFree!
#Christmas #NorthPole
Polar bear at the North Pole? Yes!
Reindeer at the North Pole? Yes!
Arctic Hare at the North Pole? Yes!
Penguin at the North Pole? NO!
In 2008, when I wrote A Christmas Peril, the scenario it described, of the melting of the north pole, seemed comfortably distant. But today it feels scarily close.
A fusion of A Christmas Carol and The Night Before Christmas, this poem was intended as a timely, cautionary tale about Climate. Also, a foot in the door to discuss Climate Change with family and friends.
A few sample lines are shown here, but you need to click through to the full poem to see the rest, which is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and which has audio readings in each of those.
Please read, discuss and share with family and friends! Perhaps make it part of your holiday festivities.
Come find and rescue Santa with Petrella before it's too late!
#Christmas #advent #christmasmarket #adventcalendar #mulledwine #elf #cookies #santaclaus #southpole #northpole #arctica #antarctica #pancakes #chile #penguins #twins #christinemunroe #writing #reading #books #authors #shortstory #fantasy #selfpublishing #whathashappenedtosantaclaus
Magnetic North Pole moves closer to Russia in way never seen before by scientists
Jabed Ahmed
"The magnetic pole moved along the northern Canadian shore for centuries, Dr Brown said. It drifted into the Arctic Ocean in the 1990s, and after that, it accelerated and headed towards Siberia."
#NorthPole #Russia #Arctic #Geology #Science @geology @science