I’ve been on this orbiting rock for almost three quarters of a century and if I was given an extra year for every statement in the vein of:’it feels like we're on the cusp of multiple breakthroughs’, I will live longer than Methuselah.
Still these kinds of statements represent an undefined emotion which feels like I’ve got my toes over the edge of something revolutionary that is about to happen. I curse #Kurzweil and his devilishly clever book for awakening me to this emotion which had hitherto remained bogged in my subconscious. I have, ever since reading Kurzweil’s book, endured a decade and a half of ‘toe hanging’ on that edge, waiting, hoping, enthralled by an adrenalin-filled expectation that something, somewhere, soon will deliver the promised mana.
If the last fifteen years are any guide, I will die on the edge of that precipice. Or maybe, just maybe, if we are all lucky, I will get to dive into my salvation.