Novelette no. 4 is also available on paper: a 36-page zine, 3 staples, and a full-color cover!
Novelette no. 4 is also available on paper: a 36-page zine, 3 staples, and a full-color cover!
The second novelette is also available as a paper chapbook, if you'd rather not wait for the online serialization—
#693 Andy Paciorek and Chris Bond - Godmanstone Blues Revisited. Andy Paciorek, 2009, 1st Edition, chapbook, not for sale. #AndyPaciorek #ChrisBond #Chapbooks #BookOfTheDay
Sunday morning ritual, first of 2024 edition! (Happy New Year, all.) #poetry #chapbooks #RedCeilingsPress
Updated my #books page. So if you want any of the #poetry collections, #chapbooks, or #broadsides I have extra copies of, you can purchase them from me here:
(If you want a meaningless author's signature, request it in the PayPal comments.)
Arrived yesterday from Red Ceiling Press: Looking for Love by Stephen Smythe, Extinctions by Phillip Terry, and Another Last Word by Cliff Yates.
HEAR YE HEAR YE, I did a video-reading of what I think is the most entertaining poem from my new #OurFlagMeansDeath microchapbook from The Ethel Zine Press.
It's a love-poem from Lucius to Pete, _and_ it's about having crushes on other people even when you're deeply partnered, and how that's OK. You can find it here!
It's amazingly nice to be read. And I am a fan of Liz Ahl's poetry, so
In hopes of a #scholarly #research favor:
Does anyone here have institutional access to the John Johnson Collection (archive of printed ephemera)?
@noorka is trying to find out whether this archive includes #c18th #chapbooks but TTU does not have institutional access. Might someone be willing to take a quick look for us? Thanks so much!
What books are on Vivian’s piano today? #workbenches x 3 #TheTobaccoKingdom #poetry : #FostersPond and #OnceWhenIWasntLooking #history #Virginia x 2 #MadmansLibrary #Queenofthedamned #vampires #poetryanthology #chapbooks x 2
A beauty on the scene attends
Ere autumn comes and summer ends,
When summer's glory first we see
As stained with its mortality.
Each morn wakes wan, its sunlight wanes
On yellowing leaves and fading plains;
Green fields no more the summer views,
All sickened into ripened hues
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
What time the cricket unmolested sings
& blundering beetles try their clumbsy wings
Leave me to meet the sweets of evens hour
By awthorn hedges when the mays in flower
Wi light enough to guide my cautious tread
As not to trample on the daiseys head
Down padded pathways of a wisht extent
As unmolested by the bending bent
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
While the village chimleys curl their smoke
& nature all seems sad & dying in despair
The squirking rabbit scarcly leaves her hole
But rolls in torpid slumbers all the day
The fox is loath to gin a long patrole
& scouts the woods content wi meaner prey
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd
The woods how lovely with their crowds of trees
Each towering over each like hills oer hills
The oaks excess for darkest covert made
The mind with a sublime of pleasure fills
Then winged ash more sparingly displayed
A lightness oer the pensive eye distills
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
Photo? Trees in my garden.
So did its sunshine warm my brow
& sure it gleams as lovely now
Tis full as still the grazing kine
Make but sweet music in their noise
The sweetest flowers it owns are mine
Free gifts & so are all its joys
The trees their friendly arms extend
& bid me welcome to their shade
The old molehills their welcomes lend
As if for rest on purpose made
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
While sauntering noiseless oer the leafy ground
The air we breathe seems void of every trace
Of earth & all its trouble & the mind
Yearns for a dwelling in so sweet a place
From troubles noise such stillness seemeth by
Yet still the little path winds on and on
Down hedgerow sides & many a pastoral charm
We soon forget the charm of poesy gone
In the still woodland with its silent balm
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
The autumn's come again
& the clouds descend in rain
& the leaves they are falling from the wood
The summer's voice is still
Save the clacking of the mill
& the lowly muttered thunder of the flood
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
How delightfuly pleasant when the cool chilling air
By september is thrown oer the globe
When each morning both hedges and bushes do wear
Instead of their green—a grey robe.
To see the sun rise thro the skirts of the wood
In his mantle so lovley and red
It cheers up my spirits and does me much good
As thro the cold stubbles I tred
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#photography #poetry #environment #painting #bookbinding #chapbooks
While glides the stream a silver streak between
As glides the shaded clouds along the sky
Brightning & deep'ning loosing as they're seen
In light & shade—so when old willows lean
Thus their broad shadow—runs the river bye
With tree & bush repleat a wilderd scene
& mossd & Ivyd sparkling on my eye—
O thus wild musing am I doubly blest
My woes unheeding—& my heart at rest
Follow me for daily #JohnClare postings.