@HamonWry In all fairness 77 million #Americans voted for him mostly white mostly male mostly #Protestant and #Evangelical but you are hideously correct about the rest.
Here’s an Ash Wednesday story for you all. When I was in college, a friend showed up to class with a grey smudge on her forehead.
I pulled her aside and quietly let her know she had something on her forehead. She laughed and told me it was Ash Wednesday.
I was raised so Evangelically that this possibility had never crossed my mind.
(To give context, Evangelicals do not generally observe Ash Wednesday or Lent).
Elon #Musk Welcoming His 14th Child. Another #unwed mother. What do the #Christian folks who are supporting this administration think about this? Is this a #sin ? Or is this one of those”blind eye” situations? The current occupants in the #administration mostly are unfit because of their past and on going activities, actions, and failures to act. Yet the #evangelical folks fail to call them out.
So here is something you can spread amongst your #christian and #evangelical brethren.
We all know that tRump is the #antichrist .
Lord of lies.
Survived mortal wound.
DEI in Latin literally means GOD.
So when these minions of dark lard (not a spelling error) use slogan
"End Dei"
They literally mean "End God"
The end of times #eschation was meant to be a battle of good vs. evil
Spread it far and wide.
Dissent in the ranks of the dark forces is good for #humanity
About a week left to back my #rpg "The Devil's Doorbell!" Step into the role of the The Devil's Missionary. Bring your friends and neighbors to The Dark Lord in this #SatanicPanic spin on #evangelical culture. Tithe your way to a new car, but in a cool leather jacket. Hail Satan!
Ring The Devil's Doorbell with me!
@Paxil @intransitivelie @noiseician
Decades and decades in the making. I used to have to recite this pledge to the Christian flag every week in the 80s and 90s. It escalated dramatically since then.
"I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Saviour for whose Kingdom it stands; one Saviour, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe."
@knittingknots2 - there are at least 3 right-wing #fascist pillars: the #rightLibertarian , the #evangelical & the ethical #racist which will come into conflict. And most likely cause a civil war:-(
#trump #musk #usa #europa
My game The Devil's Doorbell hit it's funding goal! I am excited for all of your support. We still have until the end of the month to keep spreading the word. Tell your friends, family, and book clubs. There is a place for everyone in the village.
Hail Satan!
I'm with you & may add some thoughts at the end.
On this particular note, let's keep in mind that #Christianity is amorphous. Each branch has had its own set of bad acts which I won't delve into exhaustively here.
The #hardright #evangelical #christianationlism that you call out is certainly a #ClearAndPresentDanger however the #CatholicChurch under the progressive #PopeFrancis has no influence over them. They can talk but will the evangelicals listen?
Christian Writer Who Claimed LGBTQ+ People Are 'Grooming' Kids Arrested For Child Molestation—Because Of Course
"In addition to his writing career, if it can be called that, he has also worked as a coach and teacher at Rocky Bayou Christian School in Crestview, Florida."
On one hand, wow! a woman pastor is heading up a Christian task force in a conservative #Christian administration!
On the other hand, that woman is Paula White…
I wonder how long until the #Evangelical Inquisition begins?
I want to politely ask you not assume that everyone in the US approves of this monster.
NOT all Americans are "...extremely happy to watch daily show of ICE hunters and trash talk about other countries"
Some are.
Some simpleminded ones were misled by #Fox or some whack job #evangelical preacher & voted for him.
A significant percentage are absolutely appalled, terrified & furious.
It is still our fault, but please do not paint us all with that same brush.
"A Secret About Big Fundie Homeschooling Families"
[Edited typo]
#Trump hanging with unrepentant "semi-professional, one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user, convicted thief and hard-right candidate for the German parliament Phillipp-Anders Rau" at Mar A Lago.
And there my #evangelical friends you have it your #fearlessleader in his natural environment.
Yeah, that tracks. I used to be a lot like that... rigid and #evangelical.
Things had to be explicitly Christian, and I got irked if it wasn't.
If you were raised on the bible and then left the church bc they don't actually believe what you were taught, you already know they use the big ol' book to justify whatever they want to believe and ignore everything else.