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#World #A7Radio #Voyages #Photography #Travel #Live #Music #Feed #Podcasts #Bluesky #France #Motivation #Linkedin
We went out for a junk food #breakfast.
Got home to see that #Petstock had delivered another load of #lucerne bales in our absence.
It’s something like $25 a bale here now. The longer our drought goes on, the higher the lucerne prices go. It’s like a #livestock #feed stock market.
@BlumeEvolution @post_privateer Danke! Vielleicht blogge ich selber in ein paar Tagen über meine Erfahrungen. Ich nutze jetzt übrigens wieder andere Technologieen als Informationsquelle verstärkt, zum Beispiel meinen Feedreader. Die interessantesten Beiträge teile ich dann hier im #Fediversum. #RSS #Feed
♫ Jah Jah Children Moving Up ♫
#NowPlaying #NSR Third World
#Reggae #Music ► ◄
The email newsletter service I was experimenting with to send my @sonnets's daily sonnet to an email list is not as free as I need it to be.
Since my Sonnet a Day is a labor of love and earns no money to pay for itself, I am on the hunt for a good, no cost (super low cost?) rss feed to email list service.
Any ideas?
Hi @pamela, and consider styling them (with #XSLT) like seen at (my) or
Con problemas de audiencia, calendario y tecnología, la @IndyCar se enfrenta a una temporada clave. nuevos pilotos y un nuevo equipo parecen dar alguna esperanza ¿será eso suficiente?
Mastodon Feed Integrator ist ein cooles kleines Wordpress Plugin zum einbinden des Mastodon Feed in Wodrpess. Ohne großen Schnick Schnack
Meine Website mit Feed-Einbindung
GeoFeeds Is Online
-- <-- shared blog outlining the resurrection
-- <-- shared GeoFeeds home page
[a welcome return of a wonderful set of resources, one-stop-shopping!]
#GIS #spatial #news #mapping #blogs #newsaggregation #aggregation #Node #substack #feed #singlefeed #RSS #writing #GeoFeeds #georelated #onestopshopping #jumpingoffpoint
Bluesky custom #Feed builders who are citizens of #GrazeNation!
My first tip is up.
Thanks to suggestions from @binarydigit and @Torbencht I've decided to on Flickr!
If you'd like to follow me over there, you can do so via this URL:
If you'd like to follow my photo feed via RSS, you can do so via this URL:
Feel free to link to your Flickr profile below so I can check out and likely drop you a follow as well.
→ I Ditched the Algorithm for RSS—and You Should Too
“[P]latforms [are] built for engagement, not efficiency. Instead of showing you high-quality posts upfront, they pad your feed with #memes, #spam, and #astroturfing.”
“#RSS is like your youtube #subscription #feed in hyperdrive. Subscribe to sites you love and decide what shows up — no exploitative social media #algorithm needed. No more #ads or algorithms deciding how to keep you #doomscrolling.”
#YourOnlyOne #Feed update for #PacificAsia Pop Entertainment. I split it into two custom feeds because Pop singing is overwhelming Pop drama content. * Renamed: Pop Entertainment is now #AsianPop feed (same link) * New: #AsianDrama feed Feed links below.