So this happened.
2023: Doc my thigh is completely numb and I get neuropathy across my entire left side.
Doc: Go get physical therapy.
PT: Hm, we did everything, but you still have neuropathy? We need an MRI.
2023: HAHA tech-worker sucker! Laid off for the 10th time! No MRI for you!
2024: Doc, we have crossed everything else off, no cancer no GI funny business, but my thigh is still numb, I get waves of tingling across my left side. Oh and in 1988 a PE coach physically abused me.
(Coach Jones in 1988: HAHA this leg press machine will be fine! DO IT GOOSE EGG! **SNAP**)
Doc and Neurologist: Let's get an Xray first but the MRI is what we really want BECAUSE AN XRAY WILL NOT SHOW EVERYTHING. If there isn't anything wrong down there, we will move to the brain.
2025: HAHA Anthem Blue Cross are Xray experts! There's NOTHING SHOWN IN THE XRAY. You must be fine!!!!
Two hours later, I am hit with a huge wave of vertigo and nausea because I have dared to not have a migraine for more than three days in a row. But I can't get an MRI now because someone at my insurance saw nothing in an xray THAT MY DOCTOR SAID MIGHT SHOW NOTHING.
This was so much more fun to discuss on the phone with people who say things like "we have to say it hurts more in order for insurance to consider it again".