More from the chaotic vault.
#warhammer #oldhammer #ageofsigmar #WH40k #marauder #khorne
More from the chaotic vault.
#warhammer #oldhammer #ageofsigmar #WH40k #marauder #khorne
#HobbyStreak days 1227
Took my #khorne #BloodBowl team out against my buddy Patrick with his necromantic. Patrick is suffering from chronic pain and can't come to the club so I took the game to him. #Nuffle was not done hating me! Lost 2-1 and took 4 casualties against him 0. All casualties are miss next game or worse.
Slaughter's Serenity
I haven't been sitting on my laurels since the last post; I've just been focus painting to get this Cerastus Castigator ready to go! "Slaughter's Serenity" just needs some basing touch-ups and maybe a transfer or two (though I think it looks great without), and then it's done-done.
@warhammer40k #hobby #HobbyStreak #miniatures #ChaosKnights #40k #MiniaturePainting #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #Khorne #kitbash
The amazing looking Chaos Spawn Khornedog kindly sent to me by Wargame Exclusive painted up using the new John Blanche paint set by The Army Painter. There is so much detail on this model, and it was an absolute joy to paint.
#HobbyStreak 1193
Played a #meme team league game of #BloodBowl - my squirrel #Khorne versus Joost's Amish #ChaosDwarfs
Brutal game. 1st half I crowd surfed half of them and scored. Blood Spawn (Rabbit of Caerbannog) did zero removals.
2nd half he started with 3 removals, 1 being the Blood Spawn via Officious Ref, and then I diced myself.
Final results
1-2 touchdowns
3-3 casualties
1-8 fouls
What a belter of a game
According to #Khorne, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to penetrate to a depth of "several kilometers." on another section of the Russian-Ukrainian border in the #Kursk region.
The Ukrainian armored column shown in the published video is allegedly moving towards the village of #Veseloye.
According to Russian TG channels, Ukrainian troops managed to overcome fortification lines.
Of course, after the break, that meant #khorne was next. The khornflakes sure are very red. They stick out like broken thumbs when grouped with the rest of the corrupted #adeptaSororitas squad.
Blood Bowl might be kicking off soon (again) at my FLGS! I gotta dig out and dust off my Khorne team =)
- A bad tempered, grumpy ginger mog, always getting into fights! Wildlife, other cats, humans, small horses... It doesn't matter Khuddles will fight them all!
His (mostly shredded) basket is full of rodent, bird & fox skulls. He cares not where dinner comes from, but you'd better not fail to feed him! Very scratchy & bitey, with a thick pelt that makes him very tough.
Surprisingly, gets on very well with dogs.
Pro-tipp: Fill the Piñata with ketchup and you will never have to host a children's party again!
Follow me for more khornite festivity-ideas!
#Warhammer #WorldEaters #Delvarus #Khorne #HorusHeresy #WarhammerCommunity
On Day 85 of my #HobbyStreak, I painted up these Bloodletters of Khorne, which will be used in a variety of systems, 40K, 30K and AoS
The first use will be with Combat Patrol in April!
#Hobbystreak Day 67
Finished with Magore’s Fiends
These were the first Khorne models I’ve ever painted and honestly wound up so cool and full of character. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
Decided to make a rhino for my berzerkers so they can chop of your head sooner.
The design was inspired by the old Epicast Dark Army APC.
Another happy bunch of Khorne Dudes for my One Page Rules army. Sculpts are from Highlands Miniatures. Painted in oils, still trying to loosen up my painting and created a bit more of a brushy style.
Khorne Daemon Allies
Taking a break from the Titan (not really, the epoxy is just drying) to paint something a little different. So I went ahead and painted up a couple Khorne Daemons to be allies, starting with two characters. These were fun to do and were relatively quick to paint. I'm especially proud of the Skullmaster's sword.