#Photography #Exhibit #UrbanArchitecture #PublicSpaces #WashingtonDC #UnionStation
My Union Station entrance colonnade photo will be one of the images on display from 1 Mar. to 13 Apr. at Dupont Underground gallery in D.C., as part of the Common Ground/Common Future exhibit.
Data Morgana is an online & locally broadcasted talkshow hosted by artist Julia Janssen.
Collaboratively produced by: @publicspaces, @at5, Public Library Amsterdam
It goes beyond today's internet issues & explores options to shape our digital future in conversation with experts, artists, scientists & entrepreneurs.
I was part of the editorial team for this first episode. Available online with subs for many languages @displayeurope
I am surprised it is as high as 1 in 10. In Britain public spaces (and I include all four nations) are treated as rubbish bins. Roadsides just as badly. 40 miles from ther nearest McFuckers, we still end up picking up the companies shit on regular rubbish trawls in the Borders. We see similar (if slightly more esoteric crap in the Highlands (6 empties of an expensive Claret?). BTW Westmonster stopped Scotland taklng some action.
"Picturing Inclusivity" - looking for my place in the world through the lens of a camera. A film by John Schaffer featuring @StuartDNeilson and scored by Laura Nadine.
From Wild Asperagus Productions, First Place Global Leadership Institute and Chapel Haven Schleifer Center.
I'm very much looking forward to facilitating this awesome roundtable on #community-run online services as a tool to rein in #BigTech tomorrow!
The roundtable is part of the Tech and Society Summit in Brussels (sorry, registrations are closed now) and features among other speakers @rmack and @alexandrageese.
Lewistown may have once been dubbed "the Heroin Capital of the Eastern Seaboard," but our downtown sure looks sharp nowadays, since volunteers have been maintaining beautiful flower planters on every corner. #lewistown #planters #publicspaces #flowers #garden #gardening
Wow! Zeer goed @publicspaces!
"In PeerTube Spaces bieden we publieke organisaties de mogelijkheid om het open source videoplatform PeerTube te gebruiken zodat zij op een #waardengedreven manier videocontent kunnen delen met hun publiek."
Could #courthouses provide the #blueprint for #safe #transgender #bathrooms?
As states move to #exclude trans people from using certain #publicspaces, #courtroom #accessibility is key to ensuring that #jurypools reflect the makeup of the country, experts say.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Massachusetts #Boston #Inclusion #Accessibility #Representation #Culture
just learned about the #publicspaces consortium today, a super cool network of public orgs aiming to diminish the dependency the public sector has on big tech:
@vfrmedia @thatkatharine EXACTLY ALL OF THIS!
Or other passive stuff, like letting the city and it's "town hall" just be a tennant in a privately owned shopping center so noone can protest, setup some booth or hand out flyers to passers-by in front of it!
And lets not get into the absurd and excessive use of #CCTV in #PublicSpaces which make said area hostile to anyone who cares about their #HumanRight to #privacy...
Esteemed #Fediverse
all the nice videos from #PubConf24 popped up in the peertube channel.
Our Talk on the Why and How of #ActivityPub is
An hour is incredible short, we should maybe demo the protocol on a large table rather in an expo space next year (?)
You can view all videos at the channell page
Ik ben al het hele weekend aan het nadenken over de #PublicSpaces conferentie. De onderwerpen waar ik de afgelopen jaren op heb gezeten worden in rap tempo politiek, het gaat van niche naar buzzword.
De aandacht verschuift: Hoe zorgen we dat we het aanpakken met het belang van de rechtstaat en de maatschappij voorop? Hoe pakken we het op in samenwerking met bedrijven, overheden en burgers? Wat moeten de spelregels daar bij zijn?
Dear #Fediverse -
not sure if I mentioned that #pubconf24 @publicspaces was wonderful.
Back home now.
Together with @bjoernsta and @BjornW
did a Talk and Workshop about the Why and How of #ActivityPub –
The whole Conf was filled with so much content around Open Protocols, ActivityPub and #federation
Photo is with @Wtebbens
Lucille Verbaere of European Broadcast Union, @abaratsits of Display Europe cooperative, Menno Weijs, European Cultural Foundation and Lise Witteman.
If you missed the livestreams, you can just follow @pubconf or lookup later.
Reijer Passchier over "De vloek van BigTech" Hoe #BigTech de #rechtsstaat als geheel ondermijnd. En dat het publiek van PublicSpaces dit waarschijnlijk allemaal al weet.
Als dit zo duidelijk is waarom blijven we dan BigTech diensten onderwijzen?
Volgend jaar maar eens alle schooldirecteuren verplicht naar #PublicSpaces sturen?
‘Humor travels faster than Rumor’
by Shu Yang Lin, during a panel on:
Global Responses to Big Tech
Zo, dat ook weer gedaan. #EUElections2024
Nu op naar #publicspaces #conferentie #PubConf2024 in #Amsterdam
En ja, mijn stem heeft daar mee te maken.