Have been doing RPG-a-day on the Garblag Games discord so compiling them all on the blog since it is the end of the month.
#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY THIRTY: Person you’d like to game with
#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY TWENTY-NINE: Awesome App: Roll20 and other VTTs
29. Awesome app:
Oh, I didn't read ahead.
Actually the best thing is Readdle Documents. Just a nice file manager/PDF reader for iPad, lets me favorite and color files for quick access, annotate them. I keep a lot of game books in it.
Dedicated gaming apps are meh.
28. Great gamer gadget:
Well, I never had a Dragonbone. Did make an iOS Dungeon Dice app (now long defunct, thanks Apple). I made a mapping/journalling app which didn't quite make it to sale, never had enough features/usability for my taste. But I dunno any of those are very useful.
More often I'll open a shell & type
% dice 3 6
3d6 = 16 (6 4 6 )
I have a similar program in Pythonista on iPhone & iPad.
Are there other "gadgets"?
#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY TWENTY-EIGHT: Great Gamer Gadget: A dice tray from All Rolled Up.
#RPGaDAY2024 – TWENTY-SEVEN: Marvelous Miniatures
Catch up from the shed
#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY TWENTY-SIX: Superb Screen: The Game Master’s Screen from the RuneQuest – Gamemaster Screen Pack published by Chaosium, Inc.
Catch up from the shed
27. Marvellous Miniature:
I don't really use 'em. Haven't for 25-ish years, went methadone with Cardboard Heroes a while, but got back out of that lifestyle entirely.
If players bring their own minis, we can set marching order, but it means nothing in battle.
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26. Superb Screen:
It really doesn't matter. It's nice if it has fun art on the outside and useful tables inside, but you can print your own tables and hang them. Or run a game that doesn't need them.
I often just use the Swords & Wizardry green screen, I like that art. Before, it was the cardboard binder for Taschen poster art for H.R. Giger, which set some mood expectations! I could read Der Atomkinder poem to the players.
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#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY TWENTY-FOUR: Acclaimed Advice
25. Desirable Dice:
The only ones that I respect are Lou Zocchi's GameScience®. Here's Lou explaining why:
I've bought almost all the dice I actually use from him. Accept no substitute.
I did buy a bad OD&D dice colors set for D&D, but I only use that for very literal D&D games. Even Swords & Wizardry I use my GS dice.
I have nearly a dozen, and soon a dozen more, Flying Buffalo Skull Dice, which I use for T&T.
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24. Acclaimed advice:
1) Paranoia 1st Ed GM Handbook, Dramatic Tactical System and GM Guidelines. Master class in how to GM anything.
2) Matt Finch's Quick Primer for Old-School Gaming. Wordier, but similar vector, how to unlearn mechanistic game habits.
3) Best of The Dragon Vol 1 has a bunch of columns, Jim Ward's Notes from a Semi-Successful D&D Player esp., which teach *actual* dungeon-crawling with a hostile DM.
Shout out to the work of @PaulBaldowski
#RPGaDAY2024 – DAY TWENTY-THREE: Peerless Player: Our Enemy Within group for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment.