For #throwbackthursday I figured I'd post the time not long ago that I networked two of my Genesises (Genesi?) with a custom cable to play 2-player Zero Tolerance on two screens
For #throwbackthursday I figured I'd post the time not long ago that I networked two of my Genesises (Genesi?) with a custom cable to play 2-player Zero Tolerance on two screens
Space Ace
Source: Electronic Entertainment 12 (December 1994)
Scan Source: RetroMags 【クレーンゲーム】GIGOで人気プライズフィギュア攻略!デカ箱など予算3000円でいくつ取れる!? #橋渡し設定 #UFOキャッチャー #クレーンゲーム ##倉庫系 #anime #Clawmachine #cranemachine #FalconTVchannel #figure #game #Gaming #sega #UFOキャッチャー #オンクレ #クレーンゲーム #ゲームセンター #ゲーム攻略 #ファルコンTV #フィギュア #プライズ #夾娃娃機 #抓娃娃
【クレーンゲーム】GIGOで人気プライズフィギュア攻略!デカ箱など予算3000円でいくつ取れる!? #橋渡し設定 #UFOキャッチャー #クレーンゲーム ##倉庫系 #anime #clawmachine #cranemachine #FalconTVchannel #Figure #Game #gaming #SEGA #UFOキャッチャー #オンクレ #クレーンゲーム #ゲーム #ゲームセンター #ゲーム攻略 #ファルコンTV #フィギュア #プライズ #夾娃娃機 #抓娃娃
Jeopardy! for Sega CD and PC CD-ROM
Source: Electronic Entertainment 15 (March 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Looks like the upcoming #Terminator game finally has a #Steam page to wishlist it!
𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝟐𝐃: 𝐍𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (looking better than the last 3475 Terminator movies we've had) has such a nice old #gaming feel to it, literally looking at home on a #SEGA Genesis.
It reminds me of games like #IonFury or #Selaco (my fav!), or #Prodeus in that it is made 𝘯𝘰𝘸 to look like it was made 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯.
I am SO excited for this game, day one buy from me!
SUPER MONKEY BALL [ スーパーモンキーボール ]
• GameCube / 2001.
* Launch Advertising
The unstoppable xfixium has already released the next few parts of his great #video #tutorial on how to program a #SEGA #MasterSystem #videogame using the C language
The tutorial recreates the Ms. Pac-Man arcade classic from scratch - parts 11 to 13 are now available!
Here's the whole series:
The first weekly challenge for Hang On GP on Long Albatross Cliff Reef is well underway, and there are a couple days left to get your times in!
So what are you waiting for? Hop into the SHIRO! Discord and get racing:
And if you don't have a real Saturn, we have a new emulation category! That includes any Saturn emulator or the MiSTer Saturn core. Just one person, Random, has entered — give him some competition!
Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Casual playthrough to prepare for All Chaos Emeralds run
Bo Bayles found another undocumented cheat in a Sega Saturn game! This time, it's a password to unlock the cheat menu in The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga — read about it in his latest Under the Microscope:
New video out, and new series starting! We're discovering Sonic Generations this time!
#Sonic #Sega #Youtube #SonicGenerations
They painted everything white!...
Aquest any fa 35 anys que ens arribava "Gauntlet" per "Master System" de #Sega . #Gauntlet #MasterSystem #HackAndSlashBeatEmUp #Arcade #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Mr. Magoo was due a game debut back in 1994 thanks to Millenium - a cartoon puzzler platformer with music by the late Richard Joseph. Due for release for #SEGA #MegaDrive, #Amiga1200 and #CD32 - the game disappeared completely. Can it be found?
NBA Jam: Now on Sega CD and Game Boy!
Source: Electronic Entertainment 12 (December 1994)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Oggi è arrivata la plancia doppia del SEGA Lindbergh Universal. Montata all'istante e il risultato finale è perfetto. Finalmente, dopo mesi di lavoro, il progetto di restauro del cabinato è completo e la mia soddisfazione è over 9000. È ora di organizzare infiniti doppi con Blazblue, altri picchiaduro esoterici e con gli Shmup Cave!!! Il secondo sgabello lo aggiungerò all'occorrenza. #retrogaming #sega
Review for Panzer Dragoon Saga on Sega Saturn from CVG 197 - April 1998 (UK)
Despite loving tons of RPGs, if you ask me even today, which is my favourite RPG of all time, you will always get the same answer:
Panzer Dragoon Saga and Lunar The Silver Star Story.
This issue can be downloaded here: