Not a whale, but want to use World Whale Day as an opportunity to raise awareness of the vaquita porpoise. These critically endangered beauties need our help! Humans are driving their extinction!
#vaquita #porpoise #ocean #nature #cetaceans
Not a whale, but want to use World Whale Day as an opportunity to raise awareness of the vaquita porpoise. These critically endangered beauties need our help! Humans are driving their extinction!
#vaquita #porpoise #ocean #nature #cetaceans
The vaquita, the smallest—and most endangered—porpoise on Earth #Vaquita #EndangeredSpecies #animals #wildlife #Nature #ecology #biodiversity
#Mexico expedition sights only 6 to 8 #vaquita #porpoises, the most endangered #marinemammal
Last year, experts on a sighting expedition estimated they saw from 10 to 13 of the tiny, shy, elusive porpoises during nearly two weeks of sailing in the #GulfOfCalifornia, also known as the #SeaOfCortez. More troubling, no baby vaquitas were seen this year by the conservation group #SeaShepherd
. has shown his support through the purchase of a silver vaquita pendant and vaquita printed hoodie, which is a collaboration with #SeaShepherd whom are protecting the critically endangered species, which live in the northern end of the Gulf of California. Thank you for allowing us to learn of the plight of the #vaquita .
The #Makah might remember that Mexico had like 500 #vaquita #Whales in 1997. Today there are anywhere between 0 and 20. Yey! Conservation worked so well! All you gotta do is try really really hard to catch a shit ton and fish and one or two whales a year. Just one or two, that's all. Fucking #retarded. If I was a Makah person I would be ashamed of my dumb ass leadership. I'm sure if I asked an actual tribe person right now if he or she wants to kill a whale the answer would be "nope" but leaders
The vaquita, the world’s smallest and rarest marine mammal, is on the brink of extinction. Only about 10 individuals remain in the Gulf of California, where they are threatened by illegal fishing nets. The IUCN has issued its first extinction alert in 70 years, urging immediate action to save this species. #Vaquita #ExtinctionAlert #SaveTheWhales
Mexican Navy hopes to expand net-snagging hooks to protect endangered vaquita porpoises.
AP reports: "The vaquita lives only in the Gulf (of California) ... where as few as ten vaquitas remain. They cannot be held or bred in captivity."
First-Ever Extinction Alert Issued for Vaquita Porpoise #marinelife #Vaquita #endangered #species #extinction
Things haven’t looked good for the #vaquita for decades, but the last few years have brought the species to the #BrinkOfExtinction . #Endemic & #exclusive to the upper #GulfOfCalifornia - the pint-size #porpoise has become an unfortunate bycatch of fishing operations in the area, primarily the illegal catching of #totoaba .
Listed as #Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature
#IUCN #RedList of #ThreatenedSpecies
Conservation group @seashepherd believes new ship will help keep nets out of vaquita habitat | @fronterasdesk @ktblust Here's hoping. My #vaquita posts:
Some of Mexico’s most notorious wildlife traffickers are now in jail. Members of the “Totoaba Cartel” targetted the swim bladders of totoaba which can sell for up to US $80,000/kg, earning them the nickname “the cocaine of the sea.”
#GulfOfCalifornia #Totoaba #Cartel #Illegal #WildlifeTrafficker #WildlifeWednesday #Mexico #Marine #Endangered #Conservation #Vaquita
Good story on efforts to save the #vaquita, the world’s smallest porpoise that is being driven to extinction in Mexico by illegal fishing practices linked to organized crime: “Illegal totoaba fishing practices have contributed to the drastic population decline of vaquita, a small porpoise on the brink of extinction.” @MaxRadwin @mongabay #environment #dolphins