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Ale to było dobre.

Post-cyberpunk, który prawie mógłby być solarpunkiem. Są alternatywne systemy ekonomiczne powstałe w LARPach w augmented reality oraz sztuczne inteligencje mówiące w imieniu przyrody. Solarpunkowcom nie spodoba się jednak to, że to wszystko stoi na blockchainie (nie, żeby Schroeder był bezkrytyczny wobec kryptowalut, na tym zresztą zasadza się główny wątek). Dodatkowo, pytanie o koszty środowiskowe wytworzenia takiej liczby czujników, żeby sztuczne inteligencje faktycznie mogły uważać np. las za swoje “ciało”.

Tym niemniej, sama wizja zmian społecznych, które rodzą się dzięki LARPom zdecydowanie ciekawa. Poza tym, spodobała mi się wizja sztucznych inteligencji reprezentujących problemy społeczne, zaprogramowanych by dążyć do samounicestwienia (tylko czy to aby etyczne?).

Wincyj u @pluralistic bo dzięki jego polecance dowiedziałem się o tej książce


P.S. Schroedera można spotkać na Mastodonie: @KarlSchroeder

P.S.#2 Kiedyś chyba polecałem opowiadanie Schroedera “Reputacja”, które było kiedyś w NF, a także inne opowiadanie ze zbioru “Hieroglyph”. Oba dzieją się w tym samym uniwersum, co książka.

#książki #ScienceFiction #SciFi #Fantastyka #FantastykaNaukowa #ClimateFiction #CliFi #solarpunk #ekofikcje @ksiazki

It's funny, I wrote Stealing Worlds before blockchain got turned into a pyramid scheme. Now I keep getting blasted for describing the potential of what was then cutting-edge tech being developed by friends whom I trusted.

Blockchain is at its heart a way of giving digital objects some of the characteristics of real-world objects--such as uniqueness, location, stable properties. The book tried to imagine what we could do with that ability.
@pluralistic @ksiazki

The book then slyly turns around and asks "but who gets to define what is and isn't an object/thing?" This is a much deeper and more important critique of blockchain than whether it can be used to mint fake money. It's about who gets to define what's real. This is the heart of the story. People keep missing it, which makes me sad.
(Note that the quoted reviewer liked the book, they just had a reaction to my use of blockchain that I find triggering.)
@pluralistic @ksiazki

alxd ✏️ solarpunk prompts

@pluralistic @ksiazki

Thank you for the review @varelse and huge thank you for responding @KarlSchroeder !

I'm already adding your book to the top of my reading list! I love exploring LARPs as culture-forming processes and I really, really appreciate a critical look at technology, its ownership and hidden / emergent behaviors.

It made me so sad that KSR completely failed to question Blockchain in his "Ministry for the Future". I wrote a scathing review of it at alxd.org/ministry-for-the-futu

alxd - solarpunk hacker · The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"As someone deeply interested in Solarpunk and climate fiction in general, I encountered a lot of recommendations of "The Ministry For The Future" by the esteemed science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson (later: KSR). The endorsements came from activists, academics, writers and game designers, programmers and climate entrepreneurs: everyone around me seemed to be impressed with the book. It is said to draw a comprehensive, grim, realistic, and yet still optimistic trajectory of our civilization towards a better, sustainable future past the Climate Catastrophe. The author consulted it with over 40 scientists, activists, and conservationists who made sure that "The Ministry…" presented us with a grounded vision. I started reading it deeply intrigued and hopeful, impressed by the scale and scope of the book, stunned by the rawness of the first chapters. However, as I turned the pages, I quickly stopped in my tracks: I realized that "The Ministry…" is very different to what I assumed it is, to what my friends described when recommending it to me. I struggled to continue, clenching my teeth …

Also, get better soon @KarlSchroeder ! I'm grateful for your voice on technology and the future.

@KarlSchroeder for when you feel better: do you know when the audiobook of Stealing Worlds will be available in Poland? Currently it's impossible to buy legally :S

@KarlSchroeder any news? I still can't see it available :/

No, sorry, I haven't been able to get that information. I'll continue trying.