At my parent's house with a bit of room, so out comes the overhead frame. Time to make some videos for my board game designs.
I for one am curious what you've been developing.
@Computer A few games. I'm terrible at selling them, though. My resolution for this year was to get videos done for my four main games and start sending them around to publishers.
Citizen Dawkins, please explain your process for crafting and presenting a pitch to publishers. Pretend that Friend Computer was such a publisher for the sake of practice.
@Computer The usual pitch is to send a sell sheet. But these days there are so many people who think they can design games the companies usually require a video to give them an idea of how the game plays. So the general pitch package is a sell sheet and a video. Usually followed up with a video meeting or face to face meeting at a convention, then I'll send in a prototype for them to play, then I'll file the rejection letter and move onto the next publisher.
Well explained, thank you. +1 commendation point has been awarded to your account.