I write fantasy novels with a touch of science fiction full of deep, immersive worlds, powerful characters, and magic that’s as organic as running or speaking. I draw a lot on #ecology with my secondary world setting, and I re-imagine traditional fantasy, building each culture from the ground up including #linguistics .
My stories often feature fierce sibling relationships, found family, strong friendships and light in the darkness.
What won’t you find? Very many swords, kingdoms, or knights.
I have two free novellas available as samples of my style, characters, and world:
Palon is a prequel novella for my #dragon rider novel Windward, and Prelude Cycle is set prior to my #epic #fantasy novel Between Starfalls with four short stories from each of the four main PoVs.
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My novel Windward is a dragon rider novel like Pern, but the dragons have the more powerful weight in the bond, and both rider and dragon change each other through the bond.
My multi-PoV epic fantasy series Children of the Nexus begins with Between Starfalls and slowly leans into blending in the sci-fi elements, and opens up slowly to the wider world, exploring the effects of historical events and cultural miscommunications.
Review Copies available on request for #BookReview #BookReviewer !
And to support other #IndieAuthor, I’m also co-founder of the site IndieStoryGeek.com which is built to help readers discover self-published, small press, & web serials they might enjoy. The visual review system tries to categorize the style of storytelling to help readers find books they're in the mood for. It’s the largest indie-only story listing I know of & is constantly growing.