"Why Do My People Flee?: A First Hand Report from #Honduras with Padre Melo" on Tuesday, April 1 at 7 pm, at St Mary Student Parish 331 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. #AnnArbor #Ypsilanti #Michigan #Immigration #Refugees #USPol
"Why Do My People Flee?: A First Hand Report from #Honduras with Padre Melo" on Tuesday, April 1 at 7 pm, at St Mary Student Parish 331 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. #AnnArbor #Ypsilanti #Michigan #Immigration #Refugees #USPol
#CurrentlyDownloading the first episode of the "Talkin' Music" #podcast from the #AnnArbor District Library: "Step into a rich history of the music of Ann Arbor’s #AfricanAmerican community. Talkin’ Music invites listeners to explore Ann Arbor’s 'Our Own Thing Chorale' and Instructional Program through its founder, Dr. Willis C. Patterson, and past and current members spanning more than 50 years." #AADL #Michigan #Music #History https://aadl.org/talkinmusic
@_elena @gemlog Same. Just ordered from #LIteratiBookstore in #AnnArbor
Does anyone know why a lone brick chimney remains in the lot across from the Y, when entire buildings were demolished to rubble and carted away? What is the significance of this chimney? Will it stay there forever?
In Ann Arbor, Michigan:
"If it works as planned, a sustainable energy utility like this could quickly build the clean energy grid of the future by shedding outdated infrastructure while creating a reliable, clean and resilient model."
Here are 9 alternatives for craft supplies, sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc. as Joann closes two stores near Ann Arbor.
English Wikipedia’s featured article this Sunday: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
My first show was nerve wracking and exhilarating in equal measure. My rehearsing beforehand collapsed almost immediately so I did what I always do in front of my synth - improvise. 30 minute set, and sharing the same billing as blokes who have songs in Severance. Not bad for a first time.
I'll probably do it again.
Wow, it smells like spring!
Foods made in A2/Ypsi that are better than all competing major brands:
3. Hyperion coffee
2. Ann Arbor Tortilla Factory chips
1. Rosewood tofu
10 Cute Chalk Art Paintings By David Zinn
Street Art by happiness maker David ZiInn 10 of David Zinn's latest chalk art futured in Cute Street Art. Follow David Zinn on Instagram: @davidzinn, to curate your feed with more great art. More: Street Art by Happiness Maker David Zinn (21 Photos) Lennie is available to be the elephant in your room. Ronan and Pete are definitely not up to anything, but they would like to know if you have a compass they could borrow. The more she heard about the plans for the experiment, the more […]https://streetartutopia.com/2025/02/25/10-cute-chalk-art-paintings-by-david-zinn/
@alisynthesis There was a citizen-led campaign finance reform initiative on the ballot in #AnnArbor last November. Almost every single elected #Democrat came out *against* it. They launched a nasty disinformation campaign and the initiative lost. Sometimes fighting the oligarchy starts at home!
Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor MI USA
02/2025 - Title:
"Clarence is sticking close to his
favorite candle until winter ends or
his tail grows some fur" "Clarence hält sich an seine
Lieblingskerze, bis der Winter
vorbei ist oder seinem Schwanz
ein Fell wächst"
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Winter #Candlelit
#Possum #GoodMorning !
So AA gardening folks, TrueLeaf was excessively generous with their seeds. I have about 200 mauve eggplant seeds packaged for this year.
How do I give the seeds away? Is there a seed share or seed donation center?