One Piece - Opening 1 (Versión en Gallego)
One Piece - Opening 1 (Versión en Gallego)
Wanted: Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece (Pixtagram Repost)
Wanted is a collection of single stories written by Eiichiro Oda before he developed One Piece. These include Wanted!, Kami kara Mirai no Present, Ikki Yakou, Monsters, and Romance Dawn. Monsters is the one I had already read before, including the anime adaptation from Netflix. The others, I had no familiarity with.
Overall, it was fun. From gunslingers to a traveling monk to one of the early precursors to One Piece itself, these stories were a lot of fun and had that Oda flair to them.
Broke: I really accomplished something watching One Piece. It's so long, with over 1,000 episodes.
Bespoke: Powering through and listening to / watching all 18,262 episodes of Guiding Light, from its original radio broadcast in the 1930s to 2009 when it ended.
#Random #OnePiece #Anime #SoapOpera #SoapOperas #BrokeBespoke #Silly
Things I have said tonight while watching One Piece that might once have been applied to officials of the Tokugawa Shogunate:
"The clown is speaking sōrōbun. We're in trouble" #OnePiece #classicaljapanese
バレンタインデーに1つの恋が終わりました。【ゲスト 重盛さと美先生】 #feat #feat.友達 #freestyle #japan #Model #ONEPIECE #Plamodel #Plastic #Rap #TERIYAKIBOYZ #TOKYODRIFT #TOKYODRIFTFREESTYLE #アイデア #アヴィラ #いそべきほ #きほ #クッキング #しげもり #タミヤ #フジテレビ #プラモデル #ラップ #ラップ秘話 #ワイルド・スピード #ワンピース #中居 #友達 #希帆 #料理 #暴露 #浜田 #磯部 #磯部きほ #磯部希帆 #礒部 #礒部希帆 #簡単 #重森 #重盛さとみ #重盛さと美 バレンタインデーに1つの恋が終わりました。【ゲスト 重盛さと美先生】 #feat #feat.友達 #freestyle #japan #model #OnePiece #Plamodel #Plastic #rap #SatomiShigemori #ShigemoriSatomi #TERIYAKIBOYZ #TOKYODRIFT #tokyodriftfreestyle #アイデア #アヴィラ #いそべきほ #きほ #クッキング #しげもり #タミヤ #フジテレビ #プラモデル #ラップ #ラップ秘話 #ワイルド・スピード #ワンピース #中居 #友達 #希帆 #料理 #暴露 #浜田 #磯部 #磯部きほ #磯部希帆 #礒部 #礒部希帆 #簡単 #重森 #重盛さとみ #重盛さと美
Klasse gegen Klasse | One Piece: Luffy würde Palästina befreien
Alright, I finally made it through the first chunk in One Piece. That's almost 600 chapters!
My verdict right now is that I liked it... but it also depends. I think it's at least fair to say One Piece isn't the best shonen of all time. It's not inconsistent at least in a way that *fucks* like Hunter x Hunter, or weird in a way that *hits* like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
This isn't to say that One Piece is bad, but rather that it's wildly inconsistent. It's often the case where a really good arc will be followed up by a bad arc, and these extreme spikes in quality can even happen within the same arc as well.
Thriller Bark was the main victim of this because it had some of the best comedy in One Piece, it had great character moments for basically everyone, and the art is amazing and perfectly executed the genre blend it's going for... but then the pacing shat itself and it didn't pick up again until the very end.
I'll say for the time being that one of the greatest strengths in One Piece were its main characters and if an arc was really good, it was usually because it was featuring the Straw Hats themselves as one of its main focal points. That's the big thing that I would want it to hone in on moving forward.
"Children who have never seen peace and children who have never seen war, have very different ideas of right and wrong... You say justice will prevail? Of course it will. Whoever wins the war becomes justice" is way too hard of a monologue to come from a silly pirate anime. #OnePiece
El creador del #manga #OnePiece reveló qué Fruta del Diablo quisiera tener y con qué propósito la usaría si en realidad fuera así :3.
Mon amie @Atelier_De_Firefly a ouvert des précommandes sur sa boutique !
Porte-clefs et standees au rendez-vous
En plus de ses autres créations déjà en place sur sa boutique !
Let's go, ça se passe ici :
Elbaf has been so good. God Valley vibes.
Wtf, jemand kam bei Extra 3 auf den Gedanken ein deutsches One Piece Opening als Basis für einen satirischen Song über die SPD zu verwenden.
Will nicht über Politik reden, aber wtf. Und eindeutig von einem One Piece Fan gemacht
13yo is home sick today. He just excitedly texted me to let me know he now sees all these uses of reduplication in #Japanese (ひとびと、なかなか、みずみずしい) and gets why all the fruits in #OnePiece are “something-something fruit”.
(We also figured out together the correlation between ここ/これ and そこ/それ the other day.)