Heat map of compound swearwords. This is the kind of information I care about.
Heat map of compound swearwords. This is the kind of information I care about.
@pre Great idea about coarsening language here as a form of bot and advertising deflection, Adam.
May Eye add the suggestion that in addition to Talk Like A Pirate Day we spread Swear Like A Sailor Days throughout the calendar?
#SwearWords, #SwearLikeASailor, #TuckersBalls
#Swearing is becoming more widely acceptable, linguistics experts claim | The Guardian, by David Batty
#Swearwords increasingly used for emphasis and to build social bonds, rather than to insult, say academics
How are all these idiots allowed on the road?
Swearing should be taught in driving school.
A lesser-known benefit of OCR is all the accidental swearing
@sesquiotic on the mistaken old fucks at The New York Times:
"They are a people of contradictions, and their swearing is no different." @korystamper looks at common Finnish swearwords:
In our very first post, back in December 2014, @sesquiotic explored the phonology of cusswords:
Unsurprisingly, this headline did not make it into the print edition. If you expand the acronym it scans perfectly. I apologize in advance for the earworm.
@gmusser Jumalauta, helvetin perkele
It seems that Finnish wasn’t included in the article
#swearwords #linguistics
Nice to see a #linguist like Lev-Ari given space on #NPR.
"Not all sounds are equally suitable for profanity," say the authors of this new study of #swearwords in seven different languages. Expletives tend not to have sounds such as 'l', 'r', 'w', and 'y' (so-called approximants). The authors get extra points for giving examples from Huttese, Xenexian, and Caprican. https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13423-022-02202-0 #linguistics