Oh my gosh the campaign is moving in LEAPS today. I'm fighting to catch up and I'm living for it!
Today I finished designing the bookmark, went to the page to write an update and saw we've unlocked not only the Bookmark but ALSO the totebag!
Because of the great response to the mini pins I've moved up the goal for them! I've also added some new stretch goals! Excuse me while I go and work on those designs!!
Strauß auf Lesezeichen aus dem Archiv für #animalmarch #kleineKunstklasse #artwork #illustration #art #skyart #artist #Nature #wildlifeart #AnimalArt #birds #bookmark
Hot off the brand new laminator!
Bookmarks combining my calligraphy with vintage art :D
They measure about 21 x 6 cm.
£5 for one, two for £8, or all five for £15.
Postage is £3 (worldwide, wherever you are).
DM me to buy :D
A fish bookmark.
Un marca páginas pa vosotros. Probando formas distintas de pintar.
edit, a si, seguí un poco este tutorial: https://www.instagram.com/p/DHTtOgBM6-3/
#bookmark: Убийства в Волыни: исторический камень преткновения Польши и Украины https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/cq8yeqy8z25o Тим Хьюэлл
для Русской службы Би-би-си
Польский историк Леон Попек указывает на бескрайнее свежевспаханное поле. Все, что осталось от польской деревни Острувки, — это сиреневый куст, посаженный еще до Второй мировой войны, искореженный ветром. Под ним — статуя Девы Марии, которая когда-то стояла в местной церкви. У статуи не осталось ни головы, ни рук.
«3… #history
Bought myself some #souvenirs today. ☭ Happy first day of #spring!
: #Hanoi Old Quarter, #Vietnam.
Sixteen Mile Jeep Track, Victorian High Country
In our recent travels around the Victorian High Country, me and Beetle the Jeep drove the Sixteen Mile Jeep Track (also called the Sixteen Mile Jeep Road). Although this track can be tricky in the wet, it’s not very challenging when dry. The forest and countryside are beautiful, well worth the drive.
Here’s a taste of the track:
Would you like to explore more of the Victorian High Country? I cordially invite you to crawl around a few of the tracks that we followed:
That’s all for today, folks
#bookmark: iPod Classic - Download Free 3D model by Timothy Ahene (@timothyahene) [13dbe30] - Sketchfab https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/ipod-classic-13dbe30b0e45408c8bfaddfe6a4e8786 #iPod #3Dprint
#bookmark: Retroactive:
Retroactive has been discontinued
#PennedPossibilities 617 — Random: If you’re also an avid reader, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
A laptop. Or a pair of trousers. It depends on what you find weirder.
Chrome’s bookmarks system, which has been a key part of Chrome ever since the browser launched in 2008, is an easily overlooked feature. But if you’re not using it, you should learn how it works, because it’s a godsend.
#google #chrome #browser #bookmark
Huts of the Victorian High Country
In this post: Join me on a crawl around the mountain huts of the Victorian High Country in Australia.
This is the blog of Mark Wordsworm, the travelling worm. I’m a 40-year-old bookmark (give or take a few years) and I proudly boast my own Hallmark serial number, 95 HBM 80-1. You’ll probably want to read all about me and my Travelling Companion (the TC).
Today’s travel notes
In our recent travels around the Victorian High Country, me and the TC visited several of the area’s well-known mountain huts. The huts vary from a basic four-walls-and-a-roof structure to quite a solid affair with furnishings. Most of them were built to offer shelter to walkers, cattle folk, and others who might be caught out by the unpredictable weather of the highlands. Some are named for the families who lived in them, like Lovick’s Hut.
I’ve written a separate blog post about the most famous hut of all: Craig’s Hut, from the movie, The Man from Snowy River.
The book I’m in
The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. I’m chewing my way through this momentous work, savouring it a piece at a time.
Travel tips
If at first you don’t spot the dunny (that’s Australian for toilet), take a walk and look again. Most campgrounds and picnic areas have a long-drop.
From the sublime to the ridiculous… a dunny on the Paradise Falls track:
Recommended accommodation
Camping is the best option for a trip around the Victorian High Country. It’s hard to predict where you’ll find yourself at the end of each day. Most likely, you won’t be anywhere near a hotel.
Luckily, the campgrounds are well laid out and most have a toilet, albeit a long-drop. Here are the campgrounds we stayed at.
Seven (count ‘em: 7) days camping in a row. That’s a record for yours truly:
What about food? What about the pretty berries?
This worm recommends that you bring all your supplies when travelling the lesser-known roads of the high country. People in the know can snack off bush tucker, but beware: don’t eat anything unless you’re sure it’s good for humans. Some of our party were keen to try these Dianella berries. But not all Dianellas are edible!
The photos
Me at the Washington Winch on Nunniong Road near Moscow Villa Hut:
Yours truly is nicely in focus. That’s how I like it.
Ah, you want to know about the winch too?
The Washington Winch was powered by steam, and built in Seattle, USA, to haul timber up steep slopes.
Here’s the winch hook, which hangs above the track a few metres from the engine:
And now, on to those huts.
Craig’s Hut
If you’ve seen the movie, The Man from Snowy River, then you’ve had your breath taken away by the beauty of the mountain views from Craig’s Hut. Canny readers will spot yours truly on the window sill of the hut in the above photo. To find your breath again, read my separate blog post about Craig’s Hut and The Man from Snowy River.
Bindaree Hut
Pikes Flat Hut
Pike’s Flat Hut was one of the more dilapidated structures. It had horse feed inside, and thistles (an introduced weed in Australia) outside.
Bluff Hut
We stopped at Bluff Hut for lunch and a stroll. The hut was quite substantial, a place I could imagine myself sheltering in if the weather got bad.
Lovick’s Hut
Lovick’s Hut is another substantial, liveable structure.
Howitt Plains Hut
Wonangatta Hut near Bryce’s station
This hut had an attractive, sturdy sleeping platform.
Black Snake Creek Hut
This hut and the nearby camping area are on the banks of the Wonangatta River.
Moscow Villa Hut
That’s all for today, folks
#bookmark: Vespers = Всенощная : Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/lp_vespers-vsenoszcznaa Tracklist: Disc 1: 1. Vespers, Mass For Mixed Chorus, Op. 37 = Всенощная Для Смешанного Хора, Соч. 37: 1. Oh, Come And Worship =... #
Have used #Zotero @zotero as my browser #bookmark manager for a while now, and I'm very happy with it.
HTML bookmark export from #LibreWolf (#Firefox), and subsequent import in Zotero preserved all tags and folder structures, and the Zotero browser plugin allows for seamlessly adding new bookmarks.
Combined with the #Junction browser redirector (set as my default browser) I can now maintain and use my bookmarks like I always wanted to.