Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #16: But muh freedumbs!
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #16: But muh freedumbs!
Darwin: Stupidity works sometimes.
Suche nach spektakulären Bildern: Selfies fordern mehr Todesopfer als Haie -
People who #beLIEve that #Ivermectin cures cancer deserve what they get. #DarwinAward
@onlmaps #Australia might only be in equal 4 th on the #darwinaward but I can assure you our near misses are right up there. Just yesterday I saw three close calls :-[
#news: German officials call for clampdown on illegal ‘firework bombs’ after five deaths.
#DarwinAward #fireworks
@tagesschau dafür gibt es jetzt posthum den #DarwinAward
2024 #DarwinAward nominees sliding in just under the wire.
2 men were found dead from exposure after looking for #Sasquatch : NPR
Knock Knock
whose there?
Stupid who..... Oh
Riding home from work, Palo Alto, California, 9:40PM July 2023 #stupidhumatricks #stupid #darwinaward #DOH #car #train
Herman Cain, born OTD in 1945, died in 2020 after 4 weeks in a hospital with #COVID19; 9 days before testing positive he had attended a #Trump rally while insisting as always that SARS-CoV-2 was of no concern #PublicHealth #DarwinAward
Herman Cain, born OTD in 1945, died in 2020 after 4 weeks in a hospital with #COVID19; 9 days before testing positive he had attended a #Trump rally while insisting as always that SARS-CoV-2 was of no concern #PublicHealth #DarwinAward
Herman Cain, born OTD in 1945, died in 2020 after 4 weeks in a hospital with #COVID19; 9 days before testing positive he had attended a #Trump rally while insisting as always that SARS-CoV-2 was of no concern #PublicHealth #DarwinAward
Herman Cain, born OTD in 1945, died in 2020 after 4 weeks in a hospital with #COVID19; 9 days before testing positive he had attended a #Trump rally while insisting as always that SARS-CoV-2 was of no concern #PublicHealth #DarwinAward
Living a life to its fullest should include many accolades. In the case of selfies with bison, the prize is a #darwinaward.
I've been wondering all day how Trump could have possibly become president, and how half of a country could have been this stupid.
Then I remembered this time some dude tried to rob a gun store in my home town of Renton, Washington with a knife when I was in middle school, and it makes a lot more sense if people are capable of being THAT dumb.
Thank you Peter of 'The Hoon' for this daft story: "Man accidentally shoots himself in the groin". He was in a Walmart, in the meat department....
It happened in 2018 so it's not exactly news but it still made me laugh/cringe/despair
@petergleick @gwagner Has a #DarwinAward ever been given to an entire #USpol party before? Because this map
alone should qualify as a nomination!
Whole tracts of #Florida might be worthy of a #DarwinAward...