Le coup de de la semaine de Pierre !
Sibylline de Sixtine Dano chez Glénat!
Résumé : Le péril jeune.
Avis : Une BD terrible mais essentielle, une vraie pépite.
My dark side timeline is absolutely *rammed full* of enraged French trade unions/citizens/community groups/NGOs organising the shit out of their collective resistance
#Godzilla: the perfect #monster for the age of #ClimateChange
May 31, 2019
A monster of awe
"In their 1987 book #AngelsFear, anthropologists Gregory and Mary Catherine Batseon proposed a fictional god called #Eco, one that would represent the importance of seeing the world as a system of interconnected organisms, or the 'unity in which we make our home'.
"They hoped that the existence of such a god might encourage humanity to behave more respectfully towards our world.
"However, in today’s world, a figure such as Eco does not inspire the awe or respect which our age of existential crisis demands. A monster is needed, and as I have argued in my co-authored book Monsters of Modernity: Global Icons for Our Critical Condition, Godzilla is the perfect monster to make us think about the #consequences of our actions.
"From the first Japanese Godzilla film in 1954, all the way through to Godzilla’s latest outing in this year’s aptly named Hollywood blockbuster Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla has been understood as a response to humanity’s mistreatment of the #earth.
"The first case of mistreatment to provoke Godzilla in 1954 was the use of #nuclear weapons. While developing a premise for the first film, Tanaka Tomoyuki, a young producer at Toho Studios in Japan asked himself: “What if a dinosaur sleeping in the Southern Hemisphere had been awakened and transformed into a giant by the Bomb? What if it attacked Tokyo?”
"Subsequent films, which vary immensely in their level of earnestness or goofiness, have referenced other environmental misdeeds, such the 1971 film Godzilla vs #Hedorah (aka the #SmogMonster) in which mankind’s pollution becomes a nearly invincible monster. Although Godzilla defeats the Smog Monster, viewers are left in no doubt that we ignore the effects of our #pollution at our peril."
Read more:
So, watching #Megalon (a giant cockroach #kaiju) destroy #MobileOil HQ cheered me up a bit.
#BadMonsterMovies #GodzillaVersusMegalon #BMovies #MonsterRevolution #KaijuRevolution #CallingAllMonsters #DestroyCapitalism
#Capitalism starves the poor and feeds the rich. That is its fundamental principle.
Confront it.
Overturn fascism.
Challenge capitalism.
Campaign for a better future.
Vote Green!
Ethical capitalism is like clean coal. It's propaganda from the people destroying the world. #ImadeAThing #DestroyCapitalism #NoWarButClassWar #Anarchy
our members art and talent are boundless.
our friendly little friends know that homes are a human need, and have to be a human right.
join @RAHU, share your art, your skills, your passion, everyone has something to offer - our collective strength will be a force for change for the better!
"Imagine you are a journalist, and one day you receive an email from your boss announcing an exciting new hire. Everyone please give a hearty welcome to Bob! the message begins. Bob is a serial plagiarist who routinely lies, doesn't understand what a fact is, and has never written an interesting sentence in his life. Please consider him a writing and research resource for all of your stories. Just make sure you are spending a lot of time rigorously fact-checking and rewriting anything he produces for you, because he will seriously end your career if you don't! Anyway, feel free to swing by the kitchen at 3:00 p.m. to grab a slice of cake and welcome Bob to the office. Would you not immediately attempt a citizen's arrest on your boss?"
As a person with no money, it's fun to watch corporations and banks have no money. Maybe corporations and banks should lay off the lattes & avo toast. #destroycapitalism
@mhoye money does not solve hunger, but causes it. #destroycapitalism
alright imma give an #introduction also in en
hi! i am jana, i studied cs and i am a #dev, i live in #hamburg, i miss #kiel, the north and the sea. i adopted the most beautiful cats GOB and Buster. besides #arrestedDevelopment i also watch way too much #trashtv
i love #baking and #cooking and #travelling and #poledance and my #vinyl collection and #metal and #iLoveMyBalcony and all the #plants and the #beesHotel
and #saveThePlanet and #eatTheRich and #destroyCapitalism
curious to explore
#Facebook #DeleteFacebook #DestroyFacebook #DestroyCapitalism
RT @snowden Facebook: "This is their information. They own it" BBC: "And you won’t sell it?" FB: "No! Of course not."
(via @h