US Defense Secretary Pete Hasseth said during his visit to the Philippines that the US is interested in deploying "advanced capabilities" in the country in order to "restore deterrence" in the Indo-Pacific region.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol
“Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is other—outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women and wilderness, to be used as I see fit.”
(Ursula K. Le Guin)
Proposition: it is "civilisation" which has killed, and is killing, everything by making everything less diverse.
Democracy Now!:
"Kidnapped": 1,000+ Protest After Masked ICE Agents Abduct Tufts Ph.D. Student Rumeysa Ozturk
https://www.europesays.com/1949365/ Trump orders removal of ‘improper ideology’ from top US museums | Donald Trump News #Censorship #CivilRights #DonaldTrump #education #Government #history #HumanRights #News #Politics #RaceIssues #Racism #trump #UnitedStates #US&Canada
It is consequently hard to over-emphasise how large and consequential the change from hunter-gathering to becoming agriculturalists was and still is. Our world could simply not exist in every single one of its aspects unless this had happened. But it was not a turn for the better but very much for the worse. It was a completely different way of life. Hunter-gatherers could not, could never, have done what agricultural humanity went on to do in and through its “civilising”. There is a direct line from domesticating animals, farming fields and building settlements to nuclear power stations irradiating their surroundings, sewage in rivers and seas, and microplastics in everything. Hunter-gatherers, who refused
the drudgery of work for a life many anthropologists agree was largely leisure, could never have done any of that. They would never have needed or wanted to. Even today anthropologists observe of the few still remaining hunter-gatherer tribes that “No group on earth has more leisure time than hunters and gatherers, who spend it primarily on games, conversation and relaxing.” This is because their lives are, by our standards, terribly simple and with an almost complete lack of control over the environment. Their lives are 180 degrees from our own. This hunting and gathering lifestyle lasted among humans for tens of thousands of years, far longer than a recognisably agricultural age has so far existed, but without any of the latter’s obviously attendant problems (such as
impending mass extinction, implicit coercion of the masses to even make it work and a vast division between rich and poor). These problems could also never have occurred in a hunter-gathering world but are consequent upon an agricultural, domesticated one.
(taken from "Black Seeds")
#press #news #usa #politics #migration
Zeit, sich abzunabeln
""Wir sehen einen Angriff auf die Hochschulen unter dem Deckmantel des Kampfes gegen Antisemitismus", sagte Erin Beiner von der jüdischen Lobbyorganisation J Street der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. "Ich kann nicht genug betonen, wie wenig das wirklich jüdische Studierende schützen wird.""
#press #news #presse #aktuell #recht #politik #politics #germany #democracy #pressfreedom #ifg
" CDU &CSU wollen unter Verhandlungsvorsitz Amthors das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) abschaffen. Dieses garantiert Bürger*innen den Anspruch auf Zugang zu amtlichen Informationen & ist zentral für #Demokratie & #Pressefreiheit in #Deutschland . Es ist eines der wenigen Gesetze, die Regierungsverantwortliche in die Rechenschaft vor uns zwingen & sie kontrollierbar machen"
#press #news #presse #aktuell #politik #politics #analog #digital #rights #recht
"Wird es Zeit für ein gesetzliches Recht auf analoges Leben? Alles nur noch digital. So die Idee der Politik. Eintrittskarten, Termine oder Fahrkarten, nötig ist ein Smartphone und die Weitergabe persönlicher Daten. Das will oder kann nicht jeder."
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh fear aid cuts by the U.S. — the largest provider of assistance to the stateless population from Myanmar — will compound food and health issues, and lead to a surge in crime. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/28/asia-pacific/politics/rohingya-refugees-bangladesh-aid-cuts/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #asiapacific #politics #rohingya #refugees #bangladesh #us #myanmar
I mean, they’re not the same really ….. Are they? #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #Gammons #conservatives #rachelreeves #austerity
Is Andy Beckett right/ Has Keir Starmer been working on 'an attempt to create a new political hybrid: part leftwing, part rightwing, intended to appeal to a much more fragmented, politically fickle, less generous country'?
Beckett's argument is that alongside the clear Right aspect to Starmer's policy direction there is also a strong leftist element (workers rights, inheritance tax etc.).
More Starmer-apologism from the Guardian or a plausible explanation?
So much for freedom of speech.
"Per his order on Thursday, spending will be prohibited on exhibits or programs that 'degrade shared American values, divide Americans based on race, or promote programs or ideologies inconsistent with Federal law and policy.' He stated that Vance and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget will work with Congress to overlook future appropriations to the Smithsonian Institution." #uspol #politics
Trump Orders Crackdown on ‘Improper Ideology’ at Smithsonian
The game sweeping the nation - New Austerity !!! - this time in Red !!!! #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #Gammons #conservatives #rachelreeves #austerity
Yesterday Environmental Agency report, concluded water companies tipped sewage into rivers and coastal waters for a record 3.6mn hours last year.
Moreover, of those outlets where spills happened more than 30 times in 2024, less than half were subject of maintenance & repair during the year.
The best performing firm was United Utilities that reduced its annual spillages by over 30% last year; the worst: Anglian, whose rose by her 60%, while Thames Water's rose by 50%!
https://www.alojapan.com/1229229/japan-scrambles-to-avoid-u-s-auto-tariff-as-it-looks-at-options/ Japan scrambles to avoid U.S. auto tariff as it looks at options #AsahiShimbun #Japan #JapanNews #Japanese #JapaneseNews #news #politics Japan is scrambling to find ways to get the United States to exempt its automakers from a ruinous 25-percent tariff due to take effect on April 3. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi instructed the ministers of the economy and trade, transport and farm ministries to look into non-tariff barriers, such…
Amy Booker (Women's Budget Group) is right; to counter the appeal of the Far Right we (the country) needs to invest in care & welfare... bu building a fairer economy that everyone feels they have a stake in, the appeal of the Far Right is undermined.
However, this is a message to which the current Labour party leader(s) seem to be either wilfully deaf to, or positively reject.
Time for a change of strategy!
full statement:
"The [UK] government claims there is no money to lift people out of poverty, yet it finds billions for war and weapons. We believe there is an alternative. If you do too, please join other prominent figures across progressive politics, the trade unions and social movements by signing the Dignity Declaration"
#UKgovernment #politics #inequality #SocialJustice