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Alright so #AusPol elections are coming and it's time for the #ElectionWishlist

* No new #FossilFuel projects (and since this failed last time, now we'll have to shut down the ones approved since then, too)
* Timeline for banning the sale of non-#EVs (5 years max); tax size and weight
* Clean indoor air regulations (works for #COVID, #influenza, #measles, and a bunch of other stuff)
* #GreenhouseEmissions tax and/or labelling on food
* Laws for truth in political advertising


#europe #birdflu #avianflu #mammals #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #gb #uk

"Professor Ed Hutchinson, #Virologe am Zentrum der Universität #Glasgow, erklärte, dass ein „besonders aggressiver Stamm“ des #Virus dafür verantwortlich sei. Er fügte hinzu: „Ein weiteres Tier, das wir bisher nicht als Wirt in Betracht gezogen hatten, ist das #Schaf . Daher ist die Meldung, dass ein einzelnes Schaf in #Yorkshire an der #H5N1 #Influenza erkrankt ist, umso erstaunlicher“."



De griepepidemie die half januari 2025 begon, is voorbij. Het aantal mensen dat met griepachtige klachten naar de huisarts ging, nam afgelopen week verder af. In monsters van mensen met griepachtige klachten wordt nog wel griepvirus (influenzavirus) aangetoond. Ook in de Virologische weekstaten laboratoria en in Infectieradar zien we minder griep. De griepepidemie duurde in totaal 9 weken.

🤧 rivm.nl/nieuws/griepepidemie-v

Replied in thread

@JoePajak it goes beyond "can't be ruled out" - there is relatively strong evidence of very long distance wind-spread H5N1:

Using genetic, epizootiological, meteorological and geographical data, we reconstructed a mosaic of events strongly suggesting wind was the mechanism of infection transmission between poultry in at least two independent cases


molecular surveillance identified identical H5N1 strains among a cluster of unrelated commercial farms about 8 km apart


bioRxiv · Genetic data and meteorological conditions: unravelling the windborne transmission of H5N1 high-pathogenicity avian influenza between commercial poultry outbreaksUnderstanding the transmission routes of high-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) is crucial for developing effective control measures to prevent its spread. In this context, windborne transmission, the idea that the virus can travel through the air over considerable distances, is a contentious concept and, documented cases are rare. Here, though, we provide genetic evidence supporting the feasibility of windborne transmission. During the 2023-24 HPAI season, molecular surveillance identified identical H5N1 strains among a cluster of unrelated commercial farms about 8 km apart in the Czech Republic. The episode started with the abrupt mortality of fattening ducks on one farm and was followed by disease outbreaks at two nearby high-biosecurity chicken farms. Using genetic, epizootiological, meteorological and geographical data, we reconstructed a mosaic of events strongly suggesting wind was the mechanism of infection transmission between poultry in at least two independent cases. By aligning the genetic and meteorological data with critical outbreak events, we determined the most likely time window during which the transmission occurred and inferred the sequence of infected houses at the recipient sites. Our results suggest that the contaminated plume emitted from the infected fattening duck farm was the critical medium of HPAI transmission, rather than the dust generated during depopulation. Furthermore, they also strongly implicate the role of confined mechanically-ventilated buildings with high population densities in facilitating windborne transmission and propagating virus concentrations below the minimum infectious dose at the recipient sites. These findings underscore the importance of considering windborne spread in future outbreak mitigation strategies. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
Replied in thread

"RANBP2 regulates influenza RNA replication and nuclear export, triggering hyper-inflammation" associated with "Influenza virus infections [that] can cause severe complications such as Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy"


h/t @biorxiv_immuno

bioRxiv · The genetic driver of Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy, RANBP2, regulates the inflammatory response to Influenza A virus infectionInfluenza virus infections can cause severe complications such as Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy (ANE), which is characterised by rapid onset pathological inflammation following febrile infection. Heterozygous dominant mutations in the nucleoporin RANBP2/Nup358 predispose to influenza-triggered ANE1. The aim of our study was to determine whether RANBP2 plays a role in IAV-triggered inflammatory responses. We found that the depletion of RANBP2 in a human airway epithelial cell line increased IAV genomic replication by favouring the import of the viral polymerase subunits, PB1, PB2 and PA, and promoted an abnormal accumulation of some viral segments in the cytoplasm. In human primary macrophages, this corroborated with an enhanced production of the pro-inflammatory chemokines CXCL8, CXCL10, CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4. Then, using CRISPR-Cas9 knock-in for the ANE1 disease variant RANBP2-T585M, we demonstrated that the point mutation is sufficient to drive CXCL10 expression following activation downstream of RIG-I and leads to a redistribution of RANBP2 away from the nuclear pore. Together, our results reveal that RANBP2 regulates influenza RNA replication and nuclear export, triggering hyper-inflammation, offering insight into ANE pathogenesis. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.

#locovid #ABCovid
Wat denk jij als je in de supermarkt of bij de huisarts iemand met een mondkapje ziet?
- "Uitslover, corona is toch allang voorbij"
- "Iiiek, die heeft zeker een enge ziekte"
- "Wat een angsthaas"

Onzin! Die mensen beschermen zichzelf en hun medemensen eenvoudig tegen besmetting met airborne ziekteverwekkers, die tegenwoordig alomtegenwoordig zijn (#Covid19, #influenza, #RSV )

Vragen, twijfels? WHN heeft nu een uitstekende NL pagina met antwoorden: whn.global/ja-we-blijven-mondk

WHN · Ja, we blijven mondkapjes dragen—hier is waarom: Veel gestelde vragen beantwoord - WHNStel je een typische familiebijeenkomst voor vandaag de dag. De meeste mensen dragen nooit meer mondkapjes: kinderen rennen vrij rond, tantes en ooms babbelen over het weer, en slechts een enkeling kiest ervoor om een goed passend mondkapje te dragen. Al snel komen de vragen: “De pandemie is toch voorbij?” “Ben je nog niet klaar … Continued